Tuesday, January 31, 2006
Road to CDA 06 : Run 8
Tues 1/31
Summary: Run 8 easy in rain with group from Duniway. Up terwilliger to barber and back, +1 mile on track. Ascent 700 ft. 76 min.
Zone Summary:
Zone 1 = 89% (60')
Zone 2 = 11% (7')
HR max 138 up hill, 1 beat into Zone 3. This is definition of recovery run. Almost all in Zone 1.
Felt strong and loose.
Summary: Run 8 easy in rain with group from Duniway. Up terwilliger to barber and back, +1 mile on track. Ascent 700 ft. 76 min.
Zone Summary:
Zone 1 = 89% (60')
Zone 2 = 11% (7')
HR max 138 up hill, 1 beat into Zone 3. This is definition of recovery run. Almost all in Zone 1.
Felt strong and loose.
Monday, January 30, 2006
Road to CDA 06: Weekly Quote

and those are the parts when it's just about pain and forfeit.
How do you make yourself do it?
You remind yourself that you're fulfilling you obligation to get the best from yourself, and that all achievement is born out of sacrifice."
Lance Armstong
Every Second Counts
Road to CDA 06: Swim 2k/Run 4/weights
Mon 1/30
Weight: 168.4, Body fat 7.6%
Summary: Swim 2k (47'), run 4 (28'), weights 50'
500 wu in 7:50, then 400 of drills. Did the 4 balance drills, 100 each.
10 X 100/30: All in 1:20-1:23: 3 in 1:23, the other 7 in 120-122
100 cd mixed stroke.
TM, 4 in 28:00:first mile in 7:30 , then mile 2 in 7, mile 3 in 6:40, 1/2 mile in 6:15, then 1/2 cd in 8 min pace.
Zone Summary:
Zone 1 = 40% (11')
Zone 2 = 32% (9')
Zone 3 = 14% (4')
Zone 4 = 14% (4')
Full weight routine, 50 minutes. The usual except put lunges at the end instead of beginning.
Weight: 168.4, Body fat 7.6%
Summary: Swim 2k (47'), run 4 (28'), weights 50'
500 wu in 7:50, then 400 of drills. Did the 4 balance drills, 100 each.
10 X 100/30: All in 1:20-1:23: 3 in 1:23, the other 7 in 120-122
100 cd mixed stroke.
TM, 4 in 28:00:first mile in 7:30 , then mile 2 in 7, mile 3 in 6:40, 1/2 mile in 6:15, then 1/2 cd in 8 min pace.
Zone Summary:
Zone 1 = 40% (11')
Zone 2 = 32% (9')
Zone 3 = 14% (4')
Zone 4 = 14% (4')
Full weight routine, 50 minutes. The usual except put lunges at the end instead of beginning.
Sunday, January 29, 2006
Road to CDA 06 Weekly Plan 1/30 - 2/5
Swim 9k/bike 200/run 40
M: 2k swim, weights/core, 4 mile easy run
T: 8 mile easy run
W Spin 2 hours, about 40, then 4 easy
T (off post call) am swim 2k+ , then Bike 65
F Run 6 in a.m , p.m. swim 3k, weights/core
S run 10, bike 70
S swim 2k, run 8, Spin 25 before dinner.
CDA Group: Swim 8k/bike 155/run 36-40
M: 2k swim, spin 30
T: 8 mile run
W: 3k swim, run 6 easy, weights
T: run 4(if time), then Spin 20 (65 min), core
F: a.m. run 4, p.m. swim 3k weights/core
S: run 8, bike 70
S: run 10, bike 35
Monday 2/6 off!!!
M: 2k swim, weights/core, 4 mile easy run
T: 8 mile easy run
W Spin 2 hours, about 40, then 4 easy
T (off post call) am swim 2k+ , then Bike 65
F Run 6 in a.m , p.m. swim 3k, weights/core
S run 10, bike 70
S swim 2k, run 8, Spin 25 before dinner.
CDA Group: Swim 8k/bike 155/run 36-40
M: 2k swim, spin 30
T: 8 mile run
W: 3k swim, run 6 easy, weights
T: run 4(if time), then Spin 20 (65 min), core
F: a.m. run 4, p.m. swim 3k weights/core
S: run 8, bike 70
S: run 10, bike 35
Monday 2/6 off!!!
Road to CDA: Weekly Summary 1/23 - 1/29
Weekly Summary: Base 2 Week 2
Total Hours = 20:43
S/B/R Hours = 18:23
Weights/core = 2:20
Swim = 8600 (3 sessions) Time 3:08
Bike = 155 (3 rides) Time 10:35, Total Ascent 12,200
Run = 36 (4 Runs) Time 4:40
*Very Happy with progress this week. HR has come down 10-15 beats per minute for bike and run compared to 3 weeks ago. Running pain free and able to progress pace. Swim and Run coming around, although slower than last year at this point. Bike is definately stonger than any previous season at this point.
Total Hours = 20:43
S/B/R Hours = 18:23
Weights/core = 2:20
Swim = 8600 (3 sessions) Time 3:08
Bike = 155 (3 rides) Time 10:35, Total Ascent 12,200
Run = 36 (4 Runs) Time 4:40
*Very Happy with progress this week. HR has come down 10-15 beats per minute for bike and run compared to 3 weeks ago. Running pain free and able to progress pace. Swim and Run coming around, although slower than last year at this point. Bike is definately stonger than any previous season at this point.
Road to CDA 06: Swim 2.6k/Run 9/core
Sun 1/29
Summary: Swim 2.6k (59'), Run 9 (64'), core (45')
Swim: 2X200 wu. 1 free and 1 pull. both in 3:00.
Set 1 = 10 X 100/30: all in 1:22-25, but most in 1:23
Set 2 = 16 X 50/60" cycle: alternate 4 free and 4 pull/ankle band.
400 cd mixed free and breast.
10 min transition to run
Run: 9 mile on TM, 64 min total (ave 7:10)
First 2 in 7:30
Next 6 miles, increased pace 10sec/mile on each.
Final 3 miles, 6:50, 6:40, 6:30
No calf pain.
Zone Summary
Zone1 = 48% (30:30)
Zone2 = 27% (17')
Zone3 = 23% (15')
Zone4 = 2% (80")
3 weeks ago, HR was in zone 4 running 7:45-8 min pace. Today, in zone 4 for the final 80 seconds of 8th mile (6:30 pace). I stayed in Zone 1 for first 30 min of workout, which was up to 7:10 pace on mile 4. In another month, I will be able to run 6 min pace in zone 3.
This is the workout I stated I would do. Use pace instead of incline to slowly progress through my HR zones. That is the key (I will say in again). Training to slowly progress through each Zone through the workout, getting slowly faster throughout, without over-exerting and jumping a zone...then dying out. Look at these splits:
Miles 1-2: 7:30 pace: HR ave113, mx 121 (zone 1 up to 126)
Mile 3: 7:20 pace: HR ave 123, mx 126
Mile 4: 7:10 pace: HR ave 126, mx 128
Mile 5: 7:00 pace: HR ave 131, mx 131
Mile 6: 6:50 pace: HR ave 137, mx 140
Mile 7: 6:40 pace: HR ave 140, mx 143
Mile 8: 6:30 pace: HR ave 142, mx 144
Mile 9: 8:00 pace: HR ave 124 (cool down)
This is far better than a warm up, then jumping 30-45 seconds faster for the workout, and skipping zones 2 and 3.
This is a technique I have been using since around 1995. Get the picture? Training yourself and your metabolism to slowly progress through zones simulates normal racing conditions when your rate slowly increases despite running the same pace or negative splitting. This is a key to training. Should be done at least 1-2 times per week on TM up until speed work starts. The same technique can even be applied to the small 4 milers, or morning runs in the gym.
Summary: Swim 2.6k (59'), Run 9 (64'), core (45')
Swim: 2X200 wu. 1 free and 1 pull. both in 3:00.
Set 1 = 10 X 100/30: all in 1:22-25, but most in 1:23
Set 2 = 16 X 50/60" cycle: alternate 4 free and 4 pull/ankle band.
400 cd mixed free and breast.
10 min transition to run
Run: 9 mile on TM, 64 min total (ave 7:10)
First 2 in 7:30
Next 6 miles, increased pace 10sec/mile on each.
Final 3 miles, 6:50, 6:40, 6:30
No calf pain.
Zone Summary
Zone1 = 48% (30:30)
Zone2 = 27% (17')
Zone3 = 23% (15')
Zone4 = 2% (80")
3 weeks ago, HR was in zone 4 running 7:45-8 min pace. Today, in zone 4 for the final 80 seconds of 8th mile (6:30 pace). I stayed in Zone 1 for first 30 min of workout, which was up to 7:10 pace on mile 4. In another month, I will be able to run 6 min pace in zone 3.
This is the workout I stated I would do. Use pace instead of incline to slowly progress through my HR zones. That is the key (I will say in again). Training to slowly progress through each Zone through the workout, getting slowly faster throughout, without over-exerting and jumping a zone...then dying out. Look at these splits:
Miles 1-2: 7:30 pace: HR ave113, mx 121 (zone 1 up to 126)
Mile 3: 7:20 pace: HR ave 123, mx 126
Mile 4: 7:10 pace: HR ave 126, mx 128
Mile 5: 7:00 pace: HR ave 131, mx 131
Mile 6: 6:50 pace: HR ave 137, mx 140
Mile 7: 6:40 pace: HR ave 140, mx 143
Mile 8: 6:30 pace: HR ave 142, mx 144
Mile 9: 8:00 pace: HR ave 124 (cool down)
This is far better than a warm up, then jumping 30-45 seconds faster for the workout, and skipping zones 2 and 3.
This is a technique I have been using since around 1995. Get the picture? Training yourself and your metabolism to slowly progress through zones simulates normal racing conditions when your rate slowly increases despite running the same pace or negative splitting. This is a key to training. Should be done at least 1-2 times per week on TM up until speed work starts. The same technique can even be applied to the small 4 milers, or morning runs in the gym.
Saturday, January 28, 2006
Road to CDA 06: Run 8/ Bike 61
Sat 1/28
Summary: Run 8+ in 65 min before bike ride (940 ft ascent)/Bike 61 (4:20), 5400 ft ascent
Run: 8+ in 65, happey valley easy. In zone 1 except for hills. kept pace easy. Before breakfast. total ascent 940 ft.
Zone summary:
Zone 1 = 70% (45:30)
Zone 2 = 15% (10')
Zone 3 = 10% (6:30)
Zone 4 = 1% (60")
Zone 0 = 4% (2") (below HR of 85)
Then ate pancakes, bike ride 90 min later
Bike: With Hannes, some rain, heavy in gorge for 25 min. Otherwise, avoided rain most of ride!
61 miles, Hills from Mt Scott, out to Stark st bridge and up toward corbet. Back on hilly backroads. Big chain ring on last climb up ridge rd up mt scott. Total ascent, 5400 ft
Climbed a 12.1% grade for 500 ft just before final ascent. Climbed 1300 ft final 2 miles.
Zone Summary:
Zone 1 = 46% (2:01)
Zone 2 = 32% (1:23)
Zone 3 = 14% (37')
Zone 4 = 6% (17')
Zone 5a = 0.6% (90") (final hill)
*Covered all 5 zones again this week although spent more time in zones 1/2. HR definately coming down. Peak HR was 147 on the final ascent in big chain ring. Last 3 hill rides, HR climbed easily into mid-hight 150's on ascents. This is a good sign.
Summary: Run 8+ in 65 min before bike ride (940 ft ascent)/Bike 61 (4:20), 5400 ft ascent
Run: 8+ in 65, happey valley easy. In zone 1 except for hills. kept pace easy. Before breakfast. total ascent 940 ft.
Zone summary:
Zone 1 = 70% (45:30)
Zone 2 = 15% (10')
Zone 3 = 10% (6:30)
Zone 4 = 1% (60")
Zone 0 = 4% (2") (below HR of 85)
Then ate pancakes, bike ride 90 min later
Bike: With Hannes, some rain, heavy in gorge for 25 min. Otherwise, avoided rain most of ride!
61 miles, Hills from Mt Scott, out to Stark st bridge and up toward corbet. Back on hilly backroads. Big chain ring on last climb up ridge rd up mt scott. Total ascent, 5400 ft
Climbed a 12.1% grade for 500 ft just before final ascent. Climbed 1300 ft final 2 miles.
Zone Summary:
Zone 1 = 46% (2:01)
Zone 2 = 32% (1:23)
Zone 3 = 14% (37')
Zone 4 = 6% (17')
Zone 5a = 0.6% (90") (final hill)
*Covered all 5 zones again this week although spent more time in zones 1/2. HR definately coming down. Peak HR was 147 on the final ascent in big chain ring. Last 3 hill rides, HR climbed easily into mid-hight 150's on ascents. This is a good sign.
Friday, January 27, 2006
Road to CDA 06: Swim 3k/weights,core
Fri 1/27
Summary: Swim 3k (58'), weight routine (45'), core (20')
Swim: Time limited: no drills
500 wu/100 cd
Did 4 sets, 600 each
Set 1 = 3X200: 2:58/40
Set 2 = 4X150: 2:13/30
Set 3 = 6X100: 1:29/20
Set 4 = 12X50/1 min cycle: did breathing drills for every 6. Breath every 2/3/4/5/6/7 strokes. On the 7 stroke 50, only breathed 3 times per link.
Weights: nearly full routine, cut a couple of upper body sets due to time. 20 min core.
Core 20 min first
Lunges bar+20 lbs, 2X20
Hamstring curl, single leg: 30lb, 2X20
Quad curl, single leg: 30lb, 2X20
Inner/outer thigh: 85 lb, 2X20 each
Lat pull down: 80 lb, 2X20
Deltoid "burners" 2X20
Bench Fly: 40 lb, 2X20
lateral deltoid: 30 lb, 2X20
Leg press/calf press: 70 lb, 2X20 each
Summary: Swim 3k (58'), weight routine (45'), core (20')
Swim: Time limited: no drills
500 wu/100 cd
Did 4 sets, 600 each
Set 1 = 3X200: 2:58/40
Set 2 = 4X150: 2:13/30
Set 3 = 6X100: 1:29/20
Set 4 = 12X50/1 min cycle: did breathing drills for every 6. Breath every 2/3/4/5/6/7 strokes. On the 7 stroke 50, only breathed 3 times per link.
Weights: nearly full routine, cut a couple of upper body sets due to time. 20 min core.
Core 20 min first
Lunges bar+20 lbs, 2X20
Hamstring curl, single leg: 30lb, 2X20
Quad curl, single leg: 30lb, 2X20
Inner/outer thigh: 85 lb, 2X20 each
Lat pull down: 80 lb, 2X20
Deltoid "burners" 2X20
Bench Fly: 40 lb, 2X20
lateral deltoid: 30 lb, 2X20
Leg press/calf press: 70 lb, 2X20 each
Thursday, January 26, 2006
Road to CDA 06: Run 8
Thurs 1/26
Summary: Run 8 on TM, 60 min
Body fairly tired today. Will cancel swim until tomarrow. Will do weight routine tomarrow and sunday.
No pain. Ran first 4 in 8, 7:45, 7:30, 7:30. HR never above 120 (zone 1 limit 126). Sharp contrast to 3 weeks ago when 8 min pace was up into Zone 3-4!
Final 4: first 2 in 7:15, and 1 1/2 in 7 pace, then 1/2 mile cd in 8 min pace. HR at 7 min pace barely over zone 1...129-130 final few minutes.
Zone Summary:
Zone 1 = 89% (53')
Zone 2 = 11% (7') Max HR 131 at 7 min pace
* I have been waiting for this to happen! There has been a huge drop in my HR the past couple of days during workouts. Same workouts 2-3 weeks ago were at least 15 beats/min higher. Now finish up with the base 3 phase, which is actually more mixed base/build with emphasis on base.
Summary: Run 8 on TM, 60 min
Body fairly tired today. Will cancel swim until tomarrow. Will do weight routine tomarrow and sunday.
No pain. Ran first 4 in 8, 7:45, 7:30, 7:30. HR never above 120 (zone 1 limit 126). Sharp contrast to 3 weeks ago when 8 min pace was up into Zone 3-4!
Final 4: first 2 in 7:15, and 1 1/2 in 7 pace, then 1/2 mile cd in 8 min pace. HR at 7 min pace barely over zone 1...129-130 final few minutes.
Zone Summary:
Zone 1 = 89% (53')
Zone 2 = 11% (7') Max HR 131 at 7 min pace
* I have been waiting for this to happen! There has been a huge drop in my HR the past couple of days during workouts. Same workouts 2-3 weeks ago were at least 15 beats/min higher. Now finish up with the base 3 phase, which is actually more mixed base/build with emphasis on base.
Wednesday, January 25, 2006
Road to CDA 06: Bike 54
Wed 1/25
Summary: Bike 54 (3:31, 4300 ft climbing, ave 15.4 mph)
Biked with Dan Waltz. Out on hills 54 miles. 4300 ft ascent.
Rained most of the ride. Feet numb but overall, warm because of the almost constant climbing.
Climbed "the hurt" from dodge park road, 200 ft ascent, 14.7% Grade smoothing out to 11% grade at top. Also climbed 282nd hill 10.3% grade for 800 yds. Avoided covered bridge back home. Instead climbed Clatsop road off barbara welch drive, 8.5% grade. Then final climb to home. Legs tired but stable. Able to push and maintain strength. Max HR now in 140's (1 week ago high 150's).
Zone Summary:
Zone 0 = 1.5% (4 min) (HR less than 70)
Zone 1 = 47% (1:40.00)
Zone 2 = 28% (59:00)
Zone 3 = 13% (27:00)
Zone 4 = 10% (21:00)
Zone 5a = 0.6% (1 min)
* Good distribution of Zones with most time (75%) in Zones 1 and 2 (less than 128 HR)
* Getting stronger, can really feel the strength on the hills. In saddle 99% of time.
* Should be a good week, so far 9 hours in 3 days, all active. Will hit weights thurs and sunday.
Summary: Bike 54 (3:31, 4300 ft climbing, ave 15.4 mph)
Biked with Dan Waltz. Out on hills 54 miles. 4300 ft ascent.
Rained most of the ride. Feet numb but overall, warm because of the almost constant climbing.
Climbed "the hurt" from dodge park road, 200 ft ascent, 14.7% Grade smoothing out to 11% grade at top. Also climbed 282nd hill 10.3% grade for 800 yds. Avoided covered bridge back home. Instead climbed Clatsop road off barbara welch drive, 8.5% grade. Then final climb to home. Legs tired but stable. Able to push and maintain strength. Max HR now in 140's (1 week ago high 150's).
Zone Summary:
Zone 0 = 1.5% (4 min) (HR less than 70)
Zone 1 = 47% (1:40.00)
Zone 2 = 28% (59:00)
Zone 3 = 13% (27:00)
Zone 4 = 10% (21:00)
Zone 5a = 0.6% (1 min)
* Good distribution of Zones with most time (75%) in Zones 1 and 2 (less than 128 HR)
* Getting stronger, can really feel the strength on the hills. In saddle 99% of time.
* Should be a good week, so far 9 hours in 3 days, all active. Will hit weights thurs and sunday.
Tuesday, January 24, 2006
Road to CDA 06: Swim 3k/Run 11
Tues 1/24
Summary: Swim 3k (1:10), Run 11 (1:30, 1100 ft ascent, 8-8:15 pace)
Warm-up: 200 in 3:08, then 450 of drills, then 200 in 3:05
Set 1: 3(4X100/2 min cycle) like last week. First 2 sets final 25 catch-up drill. Second set pull. Final set all links free. Set 1 ave 1:30, set 2 ave 1:35, set 3 ave 1:27>
Set 2: 16X50/1 min cycle. Breathing drills like before. each set of 4, breath every 2/3/4/5 stroke
150 cd: 100 kick and 50 breast.
From Duniway, up terwilliger to barber, down to macadam and over sellwood. Then down corridor to ross island bridge. 1 mile on track. ave 7:50-8:15 pace, 1100 ft elevation. Tried to keep in Zone 1 but tough on hills, even at 9 min pace.
Zone Summary:
Zone 1 = 67% (1 hour)
Zone 2 = 31% (28:00)
Zone 3 = 2% (2:00)
*Very tired on both workouts. Only 4-5 hrs of sleep, some insomnia. Wanted to go home and sleep but mangaged to get through it.
Summary: Swim 3k (1:10), Run 11 (1:30, 1100 ft ascent, 8-8:15 pace)
Warm-up: 200 in 3:08, then 450 of drills, then 200 in 3:05
Set 1: 3(4X100/2 min cycle) like last week. First 2 sets final 25 catch-up drill. Second set pull. Final set all links free. Set 1 ave 1:30, set 2 ave 1:35, set 3 ave 1:27>
Set 2: 16X50/1 min cycle. Breathing drills like before. each set of 4, breath every 2/3/4/5 stroke
150 cd: 100 kick and 50 breast.
From Duniway, up terwilliger to barber, down to macadam and over sellwood. Then down corridor to ross island bridge. 1 mile on track. ave 7:50-8:15 pace, 1100 ft elevation. Tried to keep in Zone 1 but tough on hills, even at 9 min pace.
Zone Summary:
Zone 1 = 67% (1 hour)
Zone 2 = 31% (28:00)
Zone 3 = 2% (2:00)
*Very tired on both workouts. Only 4-5 hrs of sleep, some insomnia. Wanted to go home and sleep but mangaged to get through it.
Road to CDA 06: Weekly quote
"Never really give in as long as you have an earthly chance, and above all
don't allow yourself to fancy that you are in this predicament until the
gruesome knowledge is absolutely forced upon you.
For however bad you may be feeling, it is by no means impossible that
the other fellows may be feeling quite as much, if not even more,
-Alf Shrubb
Won 20 british championships in a row, 1900-1920, and first person known to record his training methods
don't allow yourself to fancy that you are in this predicament until the
gruesome knowledge is absolutely forced upon you.
For however bad you may be feeling, it is by no means impossible that
the other fellows may be feeling quite as much, if not even more,
-Alf Shrubb
Won 20 british championships in a row, 1900-1920, and first person known to record his training methods
Monday, January 23, 2006
Road to CDA 06: Bike 40/core
Mon 1/23
weight 170.2, body fat 6.5%
Summary: Bike outside (sunny and 48 degrees!) 40 miles (2:45, ascent 2500, ave pace 14.0
30 min core abs/low back floor work
Bike at noon with Ann. Out backroads to boring then out around landscaping farms toward Sandy. Mostly Zone 1 ride. Easy pace. Geared down on hills to work on strength and to keep HR down. Cadence on final climb around 40.
From covered bridge off foster coming up mt scott. This route is one climb broken up into 3 segments.
Segment 1 = 6.6% grade, 340 ft ascent, 1.0 mile (cov. bridge to top of first hill)
Segment 2 = 9.1% grade, 240 ft ascent, 0.5 mile (up ridge road: speed bumps)
Segment 3 = 8.7% grade, 160 ft ascent, 0.3 mile (up final hill from mt scott blvd to tyler rd)
Zone Summary: Total 2 hour, 45 min
Zone 1 = 81% (2:15)
Zone 2 = 12% (17:00)
Zone 3 = 2% (2' 30")
Zone 0 = 6% (8:00) ( HR below 70 bpm)
After ride: 30 min Pilates abs and floor work for low back.
weight 170.2, body fat 6.5%
Summary: Bike outside (sunny and 48 degrees!) 40 miles (2:45, ascent 2500, ave pace 14.0
30 min core abs/low back floor work
Bike at noon with Ann. Out backroads to boring then out around landscaping farms toward Sandy. Mostly Zone 1 ride. Easy pace. Geared down on hills to work on strength and to keep HR down. Cadence on final climb around 40.
From covered bridge off foster coming up mt scott. This route is one climb broken up into 3 segments.
Segment 1 = 6.6% grade, 340 ft ascent, 1.0 mile (cov. bridge to top of first hill)
Segment 2 = 9.1% grade, 240 ft ascent, 0.5 mile (up ridge road: speed bumps)
Segment 3 = 8.7% grade, 160 ft ascent, 0.3 mile (up final hill from mt scott blvd to tyler rd)
Zone Summary: Total 2 hour, 45 min
Zone 1 = 81% (2:15)
Zone 2 = 12% (17:00)
Zone 3 = 2% (2' 30")
Zone 0 = 6% (8:00) ( HR below 70 bpm)
After ride: 30 min Pilates abs and floor work for low back.
Sunday, January 22, 2006
Road to CDA 06: Weekly plan, Base 2 week 2
Will likely have more bike miles than originally anticipated due to my night shift assignment and I will have every day off until 4pm. Will keep working on the run to get stronger. Need at least 2 weight sessions this week and 3 core. Those running CDA, weekly ideas are below my plan.
Mon a.m. Ride 40, then weights/core
Tues a.m. Swim 3k, Run 8 afternoon
Wed a.m. Run 6, Ride 60, core
Thurs a.m. Swim 3k, Run 8 on TM
Fri a.m. Easy 8 mile run, weights/core
Sat a.m. Swim 3k, Ride 60-70 hills
Sun run 10 easy
5 runs w/o calf pain is good sign. Thursday TM run will be like last week's TM run w/ incline and progressive through Zones 1-4. However, this week I will focus more on pace increases instead of incline to increase HR since calf is feeling pain free. Wont push it,
I wont go over 7 min pace.
totals swim 9-10k
bike 160-175
run 40
CDA Blog group:
mon: Swim at least 3k, no run, weights/core
tues: run 10 easy
wed am run 4 miles: pm spin 30 miles (90-105 min) all Zones 1 and 2
thurs swim 3k, run 6-8 TM after 2 mile easy wu, do incline progression like my friday workout. try to adjust pace at a fixed incline to go from zones 2,3 and 4, then back down,
fri run 6 easy outside or tm, weights/core
sat swim 3k, then 60-70 ride w/ hills
sun a.m run 6 SLOW, then 40 mile easy ride, 2.5 hours
Totals = swim, 9k, bike 130-40, run 40, 2 weight sessions
*This is week 2: after week 3, you'll understand what "rest-recovery week" means!
Mon a.m. Ride 40, then weights/core
Tues a.m. Swim 3k, Run 8 afternoon
Wed a.m. Run 6, Ride 60, core
Thurs a.m. Swim 3k, Run 8 on TM
Fri a.m. Easy 8 mile run, weights/core
Sat a.m. Swim 3k, Ride 60-70 hills
Sun run 10 easy
5 runs w/o calf pain is good sign. Thursday TM run will be like last week's TM run w/ incline and progressive through Zones 1-4. However, this week I will focus more on pace increases instead of incline to increase HR since calf is feeling pain free. Wont push it,
I wont go over 7 min pace.
totals swim 9-10k
bike 160-175
run 40
CDA Blog group:
mon: Swim at least 3k, no run, weights/core
tues: run 10 easy
wed am run 4 miles: pm spin 30 miles (90-105 min) all Zones 1 and 2
thurs swim 3k, run 6-8 TM after 2 mile easy wu, do incline progression like my friday workout. try to adjust pace at a fixed incline to go from zones 2,3 and 4, then back down,
fri run 6 easy outside or tm, weights/core
sat swim 3k, then 60-70 ride w/ hills
sun a.m run 6 SLOW, then 40 mile easy ride, 2.5 hours
Totals = swim, 9k, bike 130-40, run 40, 2 weight sessions
*This is week 2: after week 3, you'll understand what "rest-recovery week" means!
Road to CDA 06 week of 1/16 - 1/22 summary
Summary for Base 2, Week 1
Total hours = 16:15
S/B/R hours = 15:50
Weights = 25 min
Swim = 7200 (2 sessions) Time = 2:40
Bike = 127 miles (2 rides) Time = 8:20
Run = 35 miles (5 runs) Time = 4:50
*Hit just above marks for this week. Next week will be more biking than typical because I work nights and have the days off. Also supposed to be no rain through thursday. Will have better Base 2 week 2 coming up, maybe better than the base 2 week 3 coming up the week after next.
* Happy with progression, workouts predominately in Zone 1 and some more training in higher zones as weeks move on. Have made progess on bike, calf no longer is painful (not pushing it), and swim feels more comfortable.
Total hours = 16:15
S/B/R hours = 15:50
Weights = 25 min
Swim = 7200 (2 sessions) Time = 2:40
Bike = 127 miles (2 rides) Time = 8:20
Run = 35 miles (5 runs) Time = 4:50
*Hit just above marks for this week. Next week will be more biking than typical because I work nights and have the days off. Also supposed to be no rain through thursday. Will have better Base 2 week 2 coming up, maybe better than the base 2 week 3 coming up the week after next.
* Happy with progression, workouts predominately in Zone 1 and some more training in higher zones as weeks move on. Have made progess on bike, calf no longer is painful (not pushing it), and swim feels more comfortable.
Road to CDA 06: Run 8
Sun 1/22
Summary: Run 8 easy outside, happy valley loop, 70min
Ran first 6 w/ ann ave 9 min pace. Then ran final 2 about 8 min pace:
920 ft ascent
Zone Summary
Zone1 = 62 min
Zone 2 = 8 min (on run back up to house)
Summary: Run 8 easy outside, happy valley loop, 70min
Ran first 6 w/ ann ave 9 min pace. Then ran final 2 about 8 min pace:
920 ft ascent
Zone Summary
Zone1 = 62 min
Zone 2 = 8 min (on run back up to house)
Saturday, January 21, 2006
Road to CDA 06: Run 6.5/Bike 65
Sat 1/21
Summary: Run 6.5 miles (48:30), Ride 65+ miles (4:22; 4480 ft ascent; 15.2 mph)
Run on TM before ride:
Tested right calf a little, ran totally pain free. 1 mile at 8, next 7:40, then 7:30, down to 7:20X2 and cooldown 7:30.
Zone Summary
Zone 1 = 32% (15:30)
Zone 2 = 50% (24:00)
Zone 3 = 16% (9:00)
*No calf pain!!
15 min transition to bikes
Rob and Erin P, mapped course up to bald peak (ascent 1430 ft), and copper mt. Good weather out, at top of bald peak, raining and temp dropped about 10 degrees, heavy fog. Road in rain and cold for about an hour, then light rain 25 miles back.
Zone Summary: Sweet... Spent time in all 7 Zones
Zone 1 = 55% (2:24.30)
Zone 2 = 22% (58:00)
Zone 3 = 5% (14:00)
Zone 4 = 9% (23:00) (sub-threshold)
Zone 5a = 2.4% (6:00) (3 beats above threshold)
Zone5b = 3.7% (9:45) (VO2 max pace)
Zone5c = 2.6% (6:50) (Anaerobic pace)
* This was a great ride based on the amount of time spent in Zones. 77% In Zones 1/2 , 14% sub threshold, and about 9% spent above threshold. Overall, this is a build phase ride, but majority spent near recovery pace. Doesnt hurt to have a big workout. Just cant do it more than once a week for now.
Summary: Run 6.5 miles (48:30), Ride 65+ miles (4:22; 4480 ft ascent; 15.2 mph)
Run on TM before ride:
Tested right calf a little, ran totally pain free. 1 mile at 8, next 7:40, then 7:30, down to 7:20X2 and cooldown 7:30.
Zone Summary
Zone 1 = 32% (15:30)
Zone 2 = 50% (24:00)
Zone 3 = 16% (9:00)
*No calf pain!!
15 min transition to bikes
Rob and Erin P, mapped course up to bald peak (ascent 1430 ft), and copper mt. Good weather out, at top of bald peak, raining and temp dropped about 10 degrees, heavy fog. Road in rain and cold for about an hour, then light rain 25 miles back.
Zone Summary: Sweet... Spent time in all 7 Zones
Zone 1 = 55% (2:24.30)
Zone 2 = 22% (58:00)
Zone 3 = 5% (14:00)
Zone 4 = 9% (23:00) (sub-threshold)
Zone 5a = 2.4% (6:00) (3 beats above threshold)
Zone5b = 3.7% (9:45) (VO2 max pace)
Zone5c = 2.6% (6:50) (Anaerobic pace)
* This was a great ride based on the amount of time spent in Zones. 77% In Zones 1/2 , 14% sub threshold, and about 9% spent above threshold. Overall, this is a build phase ride, but majority spent near recovery pace. Doesnt hurt to have a big workout. Just cant do it more than once a week for now.
Benefits of Treadmill Training
Consider the TM workout from friday 1/20
Progressive incline intervals at 8 min (3%), 10 min (4%), 12 min (5%), 10 min (4%), 8 min (3%)
Goal was to slowly progress to stage 2, 3, 4 then back to stage 3 and finally stage 2 for the final 8 min segment.
Pace had to be almost continually adjusted at Zone 4 to keep HR within a 4 beat parameter. Even more difficult was dropping back to zones 3 and 2 on the final 2 segments of the workout
The Zone summary for the intervals was:
Zone 2 = 18% (13:00)
Zone 3 = 27% (19:00)
Zone 4 = 22% (16:00)
I would challange anyone to get the 3 sub-threshold zones so consistent on a road workout, without going over threshold. Progressing through Zones in a workout slowly and methodically trains physiology to adapt to progressions in HR for long endurance events. In the event, typically your HR will increase slowly throughout the race. Those that spend most of their workouts in Zone 1, Zone 4, then above threshold are disadvantaged. You will spend your entire IM event in Zones 1-4 most likely, and if you ran the race correctly, Zone 5 in the final 5K of the marathon.
There is a great quote I have used over the past several years. "You will compete at the HR zone you spend the most time training in".
That is the bottom line. Of course its impossible to spend most of your training above threshold because you would soon crash from over-training. But, it emphasizes the importance of spending time in the sub-threshold zones and aerobic zones. This is where you train you physiology to adapt to extended periods of time spent in these zones. Of course those that spend most of their workouts on long easy rides and easy runs will perform best in Zone 1. Once they are off the bike and enter into zone 2 and progress into Zone 3 or 4, there is a predictable bonk.
I have used treadmill training since 1995 when it was suggested to me by Maher (4th overall at NYC marathon) because of my time restraints at work. I have used the TM thoughout my training seasons each year if you check my logs. I think it has been vital to learn to stay controlled and train myself how to slowly progress through a workout, which translates into controlled race performance.
Progressive incline intervals at 8 min (3%), 10 min (4%), 12 min (5%), 10 min (4%), 8 min (3%)
Goal was to slowly progress to stage 2, 3, 4 then back to stage 3 and finally stage 2 for the final 8 min segment.
Pace had to be almost continually adjusted at Zone 4 to keep HR within a 4 beat parameter. Even more difficult was dropping back to zones 3 and 2 on the final 2 segments of the workout
The Zone summary for the intervals was:
Zone 2 = 18% (13:00)
Zone 3 = 27% (19:00)
Zone 4 = 22% (16:00)
I would challange anyone to get the 3 sub-threshold zones so consistent on a road workout, without going over threshold. Progressing through Zones in a workout slowly and methodically trains physiology to adapt to progressions in HR for long endurance events. In the event, typically your HR will increase slowly throughout the race. Those that spend most of their workouts in Zone 1, Zone 4, then above threshold are disadvantaged. You will spend your entire IM event in Zones 1-4 most likely, and if you ran the race correctly, Zone 5 in the final 5K of the marathon.
There is a great quote I have used over the past several years. "You will compete at the HR zone you spend the most time training in".
That is the bottom line. Of course its impossible to spend most of your training above threshold because you would soon crash from over-training. But, it emphasizes the importance of spending time in the sub-threshold zones and aerobic zones. This is where you train you physiology to adapt to extended periods of time spent in these zones. Of course those that spend most of their workouts on long easy rides and easy runs will perform best in Zone 1. Once they are off the bike and enter into zone 2 and progress into Zone 3 or 4, there is a predictable bonk.
I have used treadmill training since 1995 when it was suggested to me by Maher (4th overall at NYC marathon) because of my time restraints at work. I have used the TM thoughout my training seasons each year if you check my logs. I think it has been vital to learn to stay controlled and train myself how to slowly progress through a workout, which translates into controlled race performance.
Road to CDA 06: Run: fri 1/20:
Fri 1/20:
Summary: weights 25:00/ Run TM 8.5 miles (1:12)
Weight routine: legs only
lunges, single leg ham/quads, inner/outer thigh, leg press, calf raise: all 2 sets, 20 reps
Run on Treadmill: 72 min, 8.5 miles
first 20 min 8 min pace, no incline. Then did progressive increase in the incline, then back down. Pace varied with HR parameters. 8-9:20/mile to keep within target HR zones.
TIME---------PACE------------ INCLINE
20 min------ 8 min pace-----------0%
8 min--------8:20 pace------------3%
10 min------ 8:30-9-------------- 4%
12 min-------9-9:40-------------- 5%
10 min------ 8:45-9:20-----------4%
8 min--------8:30-9-------------- 3%
4 min cd-----8-8:20-------------- 0%
Zone Summary:
Zone 1 = 33% (24:00)
Zone 2 = 18% (13:00)
Zone 3 = 27% (19:00)
Zone 4 = 22% (16:00)
* Could never get a progressive zone workout like this on the road. At 5% incline, 12 min segment, I was varying my pace from 9-9:40 almost every 15 seconds to keep HR within Zone 4 (144-149 bpm) This is the major benefit of incorporating TM workouts in a program. Have been doing these since 1995, and think these are one of the keys to treaining your physiology to adapt to progressive increases in HR and effort.
Summary: weights 25:00/ Run TM 8.5 miles (1:12)
Weight routine: legs only
lunges, single leg ham/quads, inner/outer thigh, leg press, calf raise: all 2 sets, 20 reps
Run on Treadmill: 72 min, 8.5 miles
first 20 min 8 min pace, no incline. Then did progressive increase in the incline, then back down. Pace varied with HR parameters. 8-9:20/mile to keep within target HR zones.
TIME---------PACE------------ INCLINE
20 min------ 8 min pace-----------0%
8 min--------8:20 pace------------3%
10 min------ 8:30-9-------------- 4%
12 min-------9-9:40-------------- 5%
10 min------ 8:45-9:20-----------4%
8 min--------8:30-9-------------- 3%
4 min cd-----8-8:20-------------- 0%
Zone Summary:
Zone 1 = 33% (24:00)
Zone 2 = 18% (13:00)
Zone 3 = 27% (19:00)
Zone 4 = 22% (16:00)
* Could never get a progressive zone workout like this on the road. At 5% incline, 12 min segment, I was varying my pace from 9-9:40 almost every 15 seconds to keep HR within Zone 4 (144-149 bpm) This is the major benefit of incorporating TM workouts in a program. Have been doing these since 1995, and think these are one of the keys to treaining your physiology to adapt to progressive increases in HR and effort.
Thursday, January 19, 2006
Road to CDA 06: Swim
Thurs 1/19
Summary: Swim 4000 (1:27)
Swim: 500 wu in 8:00, then 450 of drills (4X50 balance, and 5X50 stroke drills)
20 x 100 all 1:26-30/20
20 x 50 on 1 min cycle: sets of 4: breathing every 2nd, 3rd, 4th ,5th stroke, then repeat each set of 4.
50 cd breast
*Didnt feel that strong but worked on consistency. Most 100's were 1:29-30. Arms/shoulders nice and fatigued for final 10 50's. 1 min. rest between the 2 main sets.]
Summary: Swim 4000 (1:27)
Swim: 500 wu in 8:00, then 450 of drills (4X50 balance, and 5X50 stroke drills)
20 x 100 all 1:26-30/20
20 x 50 on 1 min cycle: sets of 4: breathing every 2nd, 3rd, 4th ,5th stroke, then repeat each set of 4.
50 cd breast
*Didnt feel that strong but worked on consistency. Most 100's were 1:29-30. Arms/shoulders nice and fatigued for final 10 50's. 1 min. rest between the 2 main sets.]
Wednesday, January 18, 2006
Road to CDA 06: Bike
wed 1/18
Summary: Bike 62 miles (3:57), total ascent: 4600 ft: ave pace 15.7 mph
Biked same route as last sunday. Added more hills. Out to Womens forum same route. Today, went past forum to first right turn and dropped in toward bull-run. Then ascent back into Corbett. Back same route from stark st bridge over sandy river, backroads to springwater corridor. Avoided corridor this time and took back roads, climbing all the way back. Took the 10% grade hill up scouters moutain before final ascent up Mt Scott. Total elevation gain 4600, predominately in final 45 miles.
Zone Summary: (bike Zones)
Zone 1 = 67% (2:40') (Aerobic endurance) (<113)
Zone 2 = 15% (36') (Extensive endurance) (114-127)
Zone 3 = 9% (21') (Intensive endurance) (128-133)
Zone 4 = 5.5% (13') (Threshold 1: sub threshold) (134-142)
Zone 5a = 1.2% (3') (Threshold 2: at threshold) (143-145)
Zone5b = 0.5% (55") (VO2 max intervals) (146-150)
Zone5c = 0 (Anaerobic) (157+)
*Good distribution in Zones. Wanted predominance in Zone 1 but pushing some of the flats into zone 2, and hills in Zones 3 and 4.
Zones 5a and 5b on final 2 ascents, last 2.5 miles of ride.
Summary: Bike 62 miles (3:57), total ascent: 4600 ft: ave pace 15.7 mph
Biked same route as last sunday. Added more hills. Out to Womens forum same route. Today, went past forum to first right turn and dropped in toward bull-run. Then ascent back into Corbett. Back same route from stark st bridge over sandy river, backroads to springwater corridor. Avoided corridor this time and took back roads, climbing all the way back. Took the 10% grade hill up scouters moutain before final ascent up Mt Scott. Total elevation gain 4600, predominately in final 45 miles.
Zone Summary: (bike Zones)
Zone 1 = 67% (2:40') (Aerobic endurance) (<113)
Zone 2 = 15% (36') (Extensive endurance) (114-127)
Zone 3 = 9% (21') (Intensive endurance) (128-133)
Zone 4 = 5.5% (13') (Threshold 1: sub threshold) (134-142)
Zone 5a = 1.2% (3') (Threshold 2: at threshold) (143-145)
Zone5b = 0.5% (55") (VO2 max intervals) (146-150)
Zone5c = 0 (Anaerobic) (157+)
*Good distribution in Zones. Wanted predominance in Zone 1 but pushing some of the flats into zone 2, and hills in Zones 3 and 4.
Zones 5a and 5b on final 2 ascents, last 2.5 miles of ride.
Tuesday, January 17, 2006
Road to CDA 06: Run
tues 1/17
Summary: Run 8+ (68 min)
Run with group from duniway, up terwilliger to barber and back. 1 mile on track at start. Drill set on track after.
Zone Summary:
Zone 1 = 80% (54:00)
Zone 2 = 16% (11:00)
Zone 3 = 4% (3:00)
* Very happy; kept pace nice and easy and ran pain free for first time in a few weeks. Will keep running easy but will try a little each day.
Summary: Run 8+ (68 min)
Run with group from duniway, up terwilliger to barber and back. 1 mile on track at start. Drill set on track after.
Zone Summary:
Zone 1 = 80% (54:00)
Zone 2 = 16% (11:00)
Zone 3 = 4% (3:00)
* Very happy; kept pace nice and easy and ran pain free for first time in a few weeks. Will keep running easy but will try a little each day.
Monday, January 16, 2006
Road to CDA 06: run/swim: thoughts on pace
Mon 1/16
Weight: 170.0, body fat 8.4%
Waking HR 40
Summary: Run 4 (34:00)/Swim 3100 (70:00)
6 pm: Run on TM 8:30 pace, minimal pain in calf. Progessive increases of incline. Didnt increase pain in calf.
5 min. wu 0%: HRav 104, mx 115
10 min 3%: HR av 119, mx 123
5 min 4%: HR av 128, mx 131
5 min 5%: HR av 136, mx 140
5 min 6%: HR av 145, mx 147
4 min cd 0%: HR av 127, 122 at finish.
Zone Summary:
Zone 1 = 61% (20:35)
Zone 2 = 17% (5:45)
Zone 3 = 11% (3:40)
Zone 4 = 11% (4:00) (sub threshold)
* Very happy with run by looking at HR: progressive increase through zones while staying subthreshold. This is a similar progression seen with track repeats with fixed rest between and progressively increasing pace through workout (or running tempo and slowly progressing pace through the run). Being able to simulate this progession while running 8:30 pace and protecting calf is the key in me recovering fully and progressing my fitness. The muscular endurance needed for running faster will come very quickly once I am pain free as long as I am able to progress the HR into higher sub-threshold zones comfortably.
Can not stess the importance of this throughout the season: Training your physiology to slowly increase effort and HR without exceeding threshold is the halmark of those who progress and PR and those who dont. Successful athletes can increase their effort progressively the second 1/2 of the race. By increasing effort, that's not necessarily pace. It may be maintaining pace while your HR slowly increases, but is able to sustain efforts at threshold for longer periods. Pace is the key as we know in the ironman. Always train to negative split as the workout progresses, while slowly increasing your HR will allow physiologic systems to compensate properly throughout the race/workout. Increase pace and HR too soon, it makes it more difficult to adjust, and subsequently, these are the workouts and races that finish without the feeling of success.
Swim after run: 3100, 70 min
450 wu doing drills, then 500 free breathing every third in 7:55 (1:35/100)
3 sets of 4X100/30: Set 1: 75 free+ final 25 catch-up drill
Set 2 same as 1 using pull bouy: Both sets all 100's 1:28-30
Set 3 did all 100's free breathing every third: All 1:23.
Then 16X50/1 min cycle: Alternate free and pull bouy+ankle strap. Tough
150 cd mixed free/breast.
*very happy with final set of 100's: 6 weeks of drills I think is paying off.
Weight: 170.0, body fat 8.4%
Waking HR 40
Summary: Run 4 (34:00)/Swim 3100 (70:00)
6 pm: Run on TM 8:30 pace, minimal pain in calf. Progessive increases of incline. Didnt increase pain in calf.
5 min. wu 0%: HRav 104, mx 115
10 min 3%: HR av 119, mx 123
5 min 4%: HR av 128, mx 131
5 min 5%: HR av 136, mx 140
5 min 6%: HR av 145, mx 147
4 min cd 0%: HR av 127, 122 at finish.
Zone Summary:
Zone 1 = 61% (20:35)
Zone 2 = 17% (5:45)
Zone 3 = 11% (3:40)
Zone 4 = 11% (4:00) (sub threshold)
* Very happy with run by looking at HR: progressive increase through zones while staying subthreshold. This is a similar progression seen with track repeats with fixed rest between and progressively increasing pace through workout (or running tempo and slowly progressing pace through the run). Being able to simulate this progession while running 8:30 pace and protecting calf is the key in me recovering fully and progressing my fitness. The muscular endurance needed for running faster will come very quickly once I am pain free as long as I am able to progress the HR into higher sub-threshold zones comfortably.
Can not stess the importance of this throughout the season: Training your physiology to slowly increase effort and HR without exceeding threshold is the halmark of those who progress and PR and those who dont. Successful athletes can increase their effort progressively the second 1/2 of the race. By increasing effort, that's not necessarily pace. It may be maintaining pace while your HR slowly increases, but is able to sustain efforts at threshold for longer periods. Pace is the key as we know in the ironman. Always train to negative split as the workout progresses, while slowly increasing your HR will allow physiologic systems to compensate properly throughout the race/workout. Increase pace and HR too soon, it makes it more difficult to adjust, and subsequently, these are the workouts and races that finish without the feeling of success.
Swim after run: 3100, 70 min
450 wu doing drills, then 500 free breathing every third in 7:55 (1:35/100)
3 sets of 4X100/30: Set 1: 75 free+ final 25 catch-up drill
Set 2 same as 1 using pull bouy: Both sets all 100's 1:28-30
Set 3 did all 100's free breathing every third: All 1:23.
Then 16X50/1 min cycle: Alternate free and pull bouy+ankle strap. Tough
150 cd mixed free/breast.
*very happy with final set of 100's: 6 weeks of drills I think is paying off.
Sunday, January 15, 2006
Road to CDA 06: weekly summary 1/9-1/15
Summary base 1: recovery week (4)
Total time: 12:10
Total aerobic time = 10:40
Total w/c time = 1:30
S = 8.6k (3:30)
B = 80 (5:20)
R = 14 (1:50)
w/c = 1:30)
* Getting stronger on bike and swim. Drills paying off somewhat.
* Right calf lingering a long time, 3 weeks. I am just going to run very easy, probably over 8 min pace until I can run 4-5 runs without any pain. Then I will slowly pick it up. Fortunately, calf doesnt bother me on the bike. Have to stay in saddle on the hills though, but I am building my thigh strength.
Total time: 12:10
Total aerobic time = 10:40
Total w/c time = 1:30
S = 8.6k (3:30)
B = 80 (5:20)
R = 14 (1:50)
w/c = 1:30)
* Getting stronger on bike and swim. Drills paying off somewhat.
* Right calf lingering a long time, 3 weeks. I am just going to run very easy, probably over 8 min pace until I can run 4-5 runs without any pain. Then I will slowly pick it up. Fortunately, calf doesnt bother me on the bike. Have to stay in saddle on the hills though, but I am building my thigh strength.
Road to CDA 06 Weekly Plan
Week of 1/16-1/22
Will take in in stride. May change as week goes on: Run is down because of calf injury so I will substitute a bit more biking then planned.
Mon: Swim in pm, 3-3.5k/try light TM run, 4 miles, then weights
Tues: run easy 7-8 in pm. Core at home
Wed: post call: will try to bike 3 hours, 50 miles depending on weather. May spin 40 if rainy.Will try to run 45 min easy first if calf holds up
Thurs: a.m. light 3 mile run on TM, then core
Fri: a.m. swim, p.m easy run 4 miles
sat: run easy 1 hour, then bike 60
sun: swim 4k, then bike 40
Will take in in stride. May change as week goes on: Run is down because of calf injury so I will substitute a bit more biking then planned.
Mon: Swim in pm, 3-3.5k/try light TM run, 4 miles, then weights
Tues: run easy 7-8 in pm. Core at home
Wed: post call: will try to bike 3 hours, 50 miles depending on weather. May spin 40 if rainy.Will try to run 45 min easy first if calf holds up
Thurs: a.m. light 3 mile run on TM, then core
Fri: a.m. swim, p.m easy run 4 miles
sat: run easy 1 hour, then bike 60
sun: swim 4k, then bike 40
Road to CDA 06: bike
sun 1/15
Summary: Bike 60 miles (4:15): Ascent 3600 ft: ave pace 14 mph
Out to springwater to boring and north to stark bridge and up to corbet difficult route. Back and up covered bridge route to home. Good group, Ann, Erin, Rob, Hannes, Todd.
Zone summary
Zone 1 = 67%
Zone 2 = 20%
Zone 3 = 8%
Zone 4 = 4%
Zone 5 = <1% (T2, just above threshold = 149-154) only for 12 minutes of ride.
Summary: Bike 60 miles (4:15): Ascent 3600 ft: ave pace 14 mph
Out to springwater to boring and north to stark bridge and up to corbet difficult route. Back and up covered bridge route to home. Good group, Ann, Erin, Rob, Hannes, Todd.
Zone summary
Zone 1 = 67%
Zone 2 = 20%
Zone 3 = 8%
Zone 4 = 4%
Zone 5 = <1% (T2, just above threshold = 149-154) only for 12 minutes of ride.
Saturday, January 14, 2006
Road to CDA 06: swim/weights
sat 1/14
Summary: swim 3.2k (1:20), then 35 min weights.
400 of drills warm up:
16 X 50 on 1 min cycle, rest 1 min every set of
16 X 25 every pair free style and w/ pull bouy and ankle strap
10 X 100 on 1:50 cycle, all in 1:32
10 X 50 on 1 min cycle, alternate each free and w/ pull bouy and ankle strap
Then weight routine without core 35 minutes.
*Swim a little weak, workout on thursday killed my arms! Pace not that important to me today, felt more balanced then ever.
Summary: swim 3.2k (1:20), then 35 min weights.
400 of drills warm up:
16 X 50 on 1 min cycle, rest 1 min every set of
16 X 25 every pair free style and w/ pull bouy and ankle strap
10 X 100 on 1:50 cycle, all in 1:32
10 X 50 on 1 min cycle, alternate each free and w/ pull bouy and ankle strap
Then weight routine without core 35 minutes.
*Swim a little weak, workout on thursday killed my arms! Pace not that important to me today, felt more balanced then ever.
Road to CDA 06: run
Fri 1/13
summary: Run 7 miles 55 min
Run from duniway to downtown, steel bridge, back and over ross island bridge. Calf tightened up again final couple of minutes.
summary: Run 7 miles 55 min
Run from duniway to downtown, steel bridge, back and over ross island bridge. Calf tightened up again final couple of minutes.
Thursday, January 12, 2006
Road to CDA 06 swim
Thurs 1/12
Summary: Swim 3k (70 min)
WU with drill set 4 X 50 balance, then 4 X 50 stroke drills: 400 total
Then 1 X 500 in 7:55 (1:35/100 pace) concentrating on balance and stroke, not pace
Then 3 sets of 4 X 100/20 and 4x50/1 min. cycle: 1 min rest between sets
Set 1: First 75 free, final 25 drill: First and Fourth did catch up focusing on rotating hips first then pulling arm through. Middle 2 100's did final 25 one arm drill using each arm per 25
On the 50's, down 25 free and back using same drills as above. All 100's in 1:35, 50's in 40s
Set 2: All 4 100's and all 4 50's using pull buoy and ankle strap. Really have to press chest to keep legs up. Drank a bit of water final two 100's. All 100's in 1:35, 50's in 44-46
Set 3: All free style. First two 100's felt great...well balanced and felt like I was floating on surface. Then I realized my arms were dead and struggled final 2. Challenge to maintain balance and complete the stroke through the hips but managed. Times 1:25, 1:26,27,28.
50's were easier, on the 1 min cycle, all around 45.
100 kick board, 200 cool down with some breast mixed with free.
* This was my first "real" swim workout. Mixing drills is tough but does teach to remember balance and stroke technique toward the end of an interval. I did several of these workouts last season early on and helped me alot. Alot of abdominal cramping after the workout, for about an hour. Definitely anaerobic toward final set, breathing very hard, but very strict on breathing every third stroke instead of every other. This is a major change from my swim last year when I breathed every second stroke to the same side.
Summary: Swim 3k (70 min)
WU with drill set 4 X 50 balance, then 4 X 50 stroke drills: 400 total
Then 1 X 500 in 7:55 (1:35/100 pace) concentrating on balance and stroke, not pace
Then 3 sets of 4 X 100/20 and 4x50/1 min. cycle: 1 min rest between sets
Set 1: First 75 free, final 25 drill: First and Fourth did catch up focusing on rotating hips first then pulling arm through. Middle 2 100's did final 25 one arm drill using each arm per 25
On the 50's, down 25 free and back using same drills as above. All 100's in 1:35, 50's in 40s
Set 2: All 4 100's and all 4 50's using pull buoy and ankle strap. Really have to press chest to keep legs up. Drank a bit of water final two 100's. All 100's in 1:35, 50's in 44-46
Set 3: All free style. First two 100's felt great...well balanced and felt like I was floating on surface. Then I realized my arms were dead and struggled final 2. Challenge to maintain balance and complete the stroke through the hips but managed. Times 1:25, 1:26,27,28.
50's were easier, on the 1 min cycle, all around 45.
100 kick board, 200 cool down with some breast mixed with free.
* This was my first "real" swim workout. Mixing drills is tough but does teach to remember balance and stroke technique toward the end of an interval. I did several of these workouts last season early on and helped me alot. Alot of abdominal cramping after the workout, for about an hour. Definitely anaerobic toward final set, breathing very hard, but very strict on breathing every third stroke instead of every other. This is a major change from my swim last year when I breathed every second stroke to the same side.
Wednesday, January 11, 2006
Road to CDA 06: swim/bike
Wed 1/11
Summary: AM Swim 2.4 k (58 min), PM spin 20 miles (65 min)
Swim: 6:30 am
Same 2.4k routine as twice last week except in 58 min. (last week, 65 min and 60 min)
Difference in time is the 16X25's set was 2 min faster because of less rest.
Right calf 1-2/5 pain...dammit!
Bike: 7pm: Spin to IM Hawaii 1994, Dave Scott 2nd overall 8:20 at age 40. Newby-Fraser 7th overall win.
20 mile spin, 65 min: 20 min wu at 150-70 W, HR 85-92.
20 min at 210W, 95rpm, HR ave 102, max 114
20 min at 240W, 85 rpm, HR ave 111, max 118
5 min cd
Felt good, able to sustain a little more wattage in Zone 1
Zone summary: Zone 1 = 62 min (95%)
Zone 0 ( < 80 bpm) = 3 min (5%)
Summary: AM Swim 2.4 k (58 min), PM spin 20 miles (65 min)
Swim: 6:30 am
Same 2.4k routine as twice last week except in 58 min. (last week, 65 min and 60 min)
Difference in time is the 16X25's set was 2 min faster because of less rest.
Right calf 1-2/5 pain...dammit!
Bike: 7pm: Spin to IM Hawaii 1994, Dave Scott 2nd overall 8:20 at age 40. Newby-Fraser 7th overall win.
20 mile spin, 65 min: 20 min wu at 150-70 W, HR 85-92.
20 min at 210W, 95rpm, HR ave 102, max 114
20 min at 240W, 85 rpm, HR ave 111, max 118
5 min cd
Felt good, able to sustain a little more wattage in Zone 1
Zone summary: Zone 1 = 62 min (95%)
Zone 0 ( < 80 bpm) = 3 min (5%)
Tuesday, January 10, 2006
Road to CDA 06: weights/run
Tues: 1/10
Summary: weight routine w/o core (55 min), run treadmill 7 miles (56:00)
Goal on run was to spend good amount of time just below threshold (below Zone5). Spent 38% of entire run between HR 144-149 (zone 4: sub-threshold). Goal is to progress this in a few weeks so can run close to 60 minutes at sub threshold.
Weight routine first: complete routine without core. Inc abduction/adduction to 80 lbs, 2 X20 each. The rest stayed the same as prior routine.
Treadmill run,:
15 min WU at 7:40 pace, HR ave 129: max = 132
Then slowed to 8 min pace, and did 6 X 3 min at 5% incline, 2 min rest at 0% between
Had to slow to 8:12 pace the final 2 in order to keep HR below Zone 5. Wanted to be Zone 4 and lower (sub-threshold)
After 6 X 3 min, slowed to 8:20-30 pace and went 8 minutes at 5% incline. Varied pace to keep HR between 146 and 148 (Zone 4). 5 min cool down.
Zone Summary:
Zone 1 = 10:00 (18%)
Zone 2 = 17:00 (30%)
Zone 3 = 7:00 (13%)
Zone 4 = 21:30 (38%)
Zone 5 = :30 (0.8%)
* Right calf a little tight final 1-2 minutes of cool down. Wrapped and lightly stretched.
Summary: weight routine w/o core (55 min), run treadmill 7 miles (56:00)
Goal on run was to spend good amount of time just below threshold (below Zone5). Spent 38% of entire run between HR 144-149 (zone 4: sub-threshold). Goal is to progress this in a few weeks so can run close to 60 minutes at sub threshold.
Weight routine first: complete routine without core. Inc abduction/adduction to 80 lbs, 2 X20 each. The rest stayed the same as prior routine.
Treadmill run,:
15 min WU at 7:40 pace, HR ave 129: max = 132
Then slowed to 8 min pace, and did 6 X 3 min at 5% incline, 2 min rest at 0% between
Had to slow to 8:12 pace the final 2 in order to keep HR below Zone 5. Wanted to be Zone 4 and lower (sub-threshold)
After 6 X 3 min, slowed to 8:20-30 pace and went 8 minutes at 5% incline. Varied pace to keep HR between 146 and 148 (Zone 4). 5 min cool down.
Zone Summary:
Zone 1 = 10:00 (18%)
Zone 2 = 17:00 (30%)
Zone 3 = 7:00 (13%)
Zone 4 = 21:30 (38%)
Zone 5 = :30 (0.8%)
* Right calf a little tight final 1-2 minutes of cool down. Wrapped and lightly stretched.
Monday, January 09, 2006
Road to CDA 06: Off

Coming off the pass at Mt Bachelor at Banzai Triathlon 9/05 :
Second event in a series of 3 races the month of september. Two olympic and a final 1/2 IM one week apart: Trained the entire months of July and August to prepare for 4 weeks in semptember.
Likewise, the months of Jan/Feb 06 are to prepare for the month of march. All of March and April: the goal is to get strong enough to handle the big workouts in May and first week of June. Try to manage huge workouts at strong pace too early and overtraining/injury are high risk. Being patient is tough, esp. when fitness starts to occur.
Knowing where you should be prior to May and knowing where you will be at the end of June are important to success.
Monday 1/9:
Weight: 171.8, body fat 7.5%, waking HR 41
(last week = 173.2, 7.5%, and waking HR 46)
No workout: Drove to Bend and back to be fitted by Scott Peterson. This guy is THE best.
Sunday, January 08, 2006
Road to CDA 06: core
Sunday 1/8
worked all day
did 20 min Pilates core abds workout, then floor core from "going long" book for 20 min
total core = 40 min
worked all day
did 20 min Pilates core abds workout, then floor core from "going long" book for 20 min
total core = 40 min
Road to CDA 06 Weekly Plan 1/9 - 1/15
Base 1: Recovery Week
Goal is to back down bike a bit and fill in time with swim: should have around 10k for week
Run typically should be 25, but since I am recovering off injury and 20 past 2 weeks, I will try to get around 30 miles this week. All runs at slow pace. Treadmill runs will incorporate progressive incline like last week saturday's workout. Keep pace slow, but gradually increase to sub-threshhold HR throughout run. Will not exceed anaerobic threshold.
Monday: 40 min easy run, 20 min core before bed
Tues: 45-60 min easy run with drills after, then 45 min weight routine
wed: am: swim, 2k with drills
pm: Spin 65 min, 20 miles: 45 min Zone 1: 10 min Zone 2: 5 min Zone 3: 2 min cool down
thurs: am: 30 min easy run
pm: 3k swim with drills: will increase 16X50 and 16X25 to 24 each: still 500 wu
fri: pm: 6 mile run on treadmill
sat: am: swim 3k like thurs pm: Then 60 mile ride
sun: am: 8 mile run easy outside, weight routine/core after. Total workout time under 2.5 hrs
Goal is to back down bike a bit and fill in time with swim: should have around 10k for week
Run typically should be 25, but since I am recovering off injury and 20 past 2 weeks, I will try to get around 30 miles this week. All runs at slow pace. Treadmill runs will incorporate progressive incline like last week saturday's workout. Keep pace slow, but gradually increase to sub-threshhold HR throughout run. Will not exceed anaerobic threshold.
Monday: 40 min easy run, 20 min core before bed
Tues: 45-60 min easy run with drills after, then 45 min weight routine
wed: am: swim, 2k with drills
pm: Spin 65 min, 20 miles: 45 min Zone 1: 10 min Zone 2: 5 min Zone 3: 2 min cool down
thurs: am: 30 min easy run
pm: 3k swim with drills: will increase 16X50 and 16X25 to 24 each: still 500 wu
fri: pm: 6 mile run on treadmill
sat: am: swim 3k like thurs pm: Then 60 mile ride
sun: am: 8 mile run easy outside, weight routine/core after. Total workout time under 2.5 hrs
Road to CDA 06 week of 1/2-1/8 summary
Summary for Base 1 week 3: Jan 1-8
Total Time = 14:00
Total Aerobic Time = 12:05 (6 days)
Total weights (w) and core (c) = 1:55
S = 8.4k (3:03)
B = 122 (6:26)
R = 20 (2:36)
W = 1 full routine (55 min)
C = 2 sessions. 40+20 (60)
* Average week for base: still dealing with right calf but getting better. I think spinning on the power trainer is significant more work than riding outside if only have 2-3 hours to ride. Continuous cadence and fixed gear and wattage really works the legs while keeping HR under control.
** Still seems like simple work overall. Will pick up the hours in base 2 phase. This coming up Base 1 recovery week will emphasize swimming and get back into a running pattern (hopefully)
Total Time = 14:00
Total Aerobic Time = 12:05 (6 days)
Total weights (w) and core (c) = 1:55
S = 8.4k (3:03)
B = 122 (6:26)
R = 20 (2:36)
W = 1 full routine (55 min)
C = 2 sessions. 40+20 (60)
* Average week for base: still dealing with right calf but getting better. I think spinning on the power trainer is significant more work than riding outside if only have 2-3 hours to ride. Continuous cadence and fixed gear and wattage really works the legs while keeping HR under control.
** Still seems like simple work overall. Will pick up the hours in base 2 phase. This coming up Base 1 recovery week will emphasize swimming and get back into a running pattern (hopefully)
Saturday, January 07, 2006
Road to CDA 06 Swim/bike
Sat 1/7
Summary: Swim 2.4K (60 min)/ Spin 52 miles (2:40)
Swim at 1pm: Exact same workout as thursday except in 60 min (thurs. = 63 min)
Spin at 2:30 pm
15 min at 150W, HR ave 90: max 91
15 min at 180W, HR ave 98: max 98
90 min at 210W, HR ave 113: max 120
30 min at 230W, HR ave 131: max 143
10 min cd at 150 W
Total 2:40, first 120 min at 95-100 rpm, final 30 min 230W at 90-95 rpm
Zone summary:
Zone 1 = 2:14 (84%)
Zone 2 = 21:00 (13%)
Zone 3 = 4:30 (8%)
*Swim coming along, feeling more balanced. Did the 2, 100's during drills in 1:22 and 1:20
*Spin was tough. maintaining continuous wattage and cadence. Although HR under Zone 2 for 2 hours, legs really felt worked over. Will build muscular endurance. Very similar to a 2 1/2 hour time trial.
Summary: Swim 2.4K (60 min)/ Spin 52 miles (2:40)
Swim at 1pm: Exact same workout as thursday except in 60 min (thurs. = 63 min)
Spin at 2:30 pm
15 min at 150W, HR ave 90: max 91
15 min at 180W, HR ave 98: max 98
90 min at 210W, HR ave 113: max 120
30 min at 230W, HR ave 131: max 143
10 min cd at 150 W
Total 2:40, first 120 min at 95-100 rpm, final 30 min 230W at 90-95 rpm
Zone summary:
Zone 1 = 2:14 (84%)
Zone 2 = 21:00 (13%)
Zone 3 = 4:30 (8%)
*Swim coming along, feeling more balanced. Did the 2, 100's during drills in 1:22 and 1:20
*Spin was tough. maintaining continuous wattage and cadence. Although HR under Zone 2 for 2 hours, legs really felt worked over. Will build muscular endurance. Very similar to a 2 1/2 hour time trial.
Friday, January 06, 2006
Road to CDA 06: Run
Fri: 1/6
Summary: Run 7 miles (57:00)
First mile @8, then picked up to 7:30with HR 112. Low right calf/high achilles tightened up so slowed back down to 8 after 3 min. Then to 8:20 where leg was nearly pain free. I figure the injury is pace related so I tried increasing the grade while at 8:20 pace. This worked. I worked up to 5% at 8:20 pace and held for 20 min at HR 143-148 Zone 4 (sub threshold): Got a great workout at only 8:20 pace and no increase in pain.
2 miles: 16:00 HR ave 107, max 115 (Zone 1)
1 mile: 8:20@ 1% incline: HR ave 118, max 123 (Zone 1)
1 mile: 8:20@ 3% incline: HR ave 133, max 138 (Zone 2)
2.25 miles: 20:00 @ 5% incline: HR ave 145, max 148 (Zone 4)
.75 mile cool down, 8:00 0%
Zone Summary:
Zone 1 = 24:45 (43%)
Zone 2 = 8:20 (14.5%)
Zone 3 = 6:30 (11 %)
Zone 4 = 18:00 (30%) (sub threshold, just below anaerobic threshold)
Summary: Run 7 miles (57:00)
First mile @8, then picked up to 7:30with HR 112. Low right calf/high achilles tightened up so slowed back down to 8 after 3 min. Then to 8:20 where leg was nearly pain free. I figure the injury is pace related so I tried increasing the grade while at 8:20 pace. This worked. I worked up to 5% at 8:20 pace and held for 20 min at HR 143-148 Zone 4 (sub threshold): Got a great workout at only 8:20 pace and no increase in pain.
2 miles: 16:00 HR ave 107, max 115 (Zone 1)
1 mile: 8:20@ 1% incline: HR ave 118, max 123 (Zone 1)
1 mile: 8:20@ 3% incline: HR ave 133, max 138 (Zone 2)
2.25 miles: 20:00 @ 5% incline: HR ave 145, max 148 (Zone 4)
.75 mile cool down, 8:00 0%
Zone Summary:
Zone 1 = 24:45 (43%)
Zone 2 = 8:20 (14.5%)
Zone 3 = 6:30 (11 %)
Zone 4 = 18:00 (30%) (sub threshold, just below anaerobic threshold)
Thursday, January 05, 2006
Road to CDA 06: weights/swim
Thurs 1/5
Summary: weights 55 min, Swim 2400 (63 min)
AM: 7:00: weight routine, didnt get through. Will finish in pm. Additional routines added
Lunges: 45lb bar: 10 each leg X 2
Hams: 25 lb, single leg: 20 each X2
Seated Quad flex: 30 lb, single leg: 20 each X 2
Inverted leg press: 90 lb: 20 X 2
Calf press: 90 lb: 20 X 2
Seated leg abduction: 60 lb: 20 X 2
Seated leg adduction: 60 lb: 20 X 2
Lat. Pull down: 80 lb: 20 X 2
Seated rear Deltoid: 60 lb: 20 X 2
Seated Pectoral press: 60 lb: 20 X 2
Seated Lat throw: 90 lb: 20 X 2
Total time 35 min, less than 30 sec rest between sets
HR ave = 86, HR mx = 122
P.M. 6:00
Swim 2400: exact same workout as yesterday, except increased number of 50's and 25's from 12 to 16. All 50's free style on 1 min cycle. 25's done in pairs, alternating each with and without ankle band.
After swim, short weight session to finish from this a.m. 20 min
Straight arm push-downs on lat bar: 30 lbs: 20 X 2
Fly''s lying flat on bench: 35 lb: 20 X 2
Deltoid "screamers": 10 lb: 20 X 2
Thight flex on dip bar (low abs): 20, then 10: 5 dips after each set.
From now on, I will just say "weight routine" and refer to this date. Assumed I do everything on this page for the full routine.
Summary: weights 55 min, Swim 2400 (63 min)
AM: 7:00: weight routine, didnt get through. Will finish in pm. Additional routines added
Lunges: 45lb bar: 10 each leg X 2
Hams: 25 lb, single leg: 20 each X2
Seated Quad flex: 30 lb, single leg: 20 each X 2
Inverted leg press: 90 lb: 20 X 2
Calf press: 90 lb: 20 X 2
Seated leg abduction: 60 lb: 20 X 2
Seated leg adduction: 60 lb: 20 X 2
Lat. Pull down: 80 lb: 20 X 2
Seated rear Deltoid: 60 lb: 20 X 2
Seated Pectoral press: 60 lb: 20 X 2
Seated Lat throw: 90 lb: 20 X 2
Total time 35 min, less than 30 sec rest between sets
HR ave = 86, HR mx = 122
P.M. 6:00
Swim 2400: exact same workout as yesterday, except increased number of 50's and 25's from 12 to 16. All 50's free style on 1 min cycle. 25's done in pairs, alternating each with and without ankle band.
After swim, short weight session to finish from this a.m. 20 min
Straight arm push-downs on lat bar: 30 lbs: 20 X 2
Fly''s lying flat on bench: 35 lb: 20 X 2
Deltoid "screamers": 10 lb: 20 X 2
Thight flex on dip bar (low abs): 20, then 10: 5 dips after each set.
From now on, I will just say "weight routine" and refer to this date. Assumed I do everything on this page for the full routine.
Wednesday, January 04, 2006
Road to CDA 06: swim/bike
Wed 1/4
Swim a.m. 2k (51 min)
Spin p.m. 30 miles (95 min)
AM 6:00: Swim
2k, 51 minutes
500 wu in 8:30
50 of each drill (4 balance, 4 stroke), with 100 free between balance and stroke drills and at end of stroke drills (1:24). (Total 600 yd)
Then 12 X 50 on 1 min cycle all in 40-42. 1 min rest to next set
Then 12 X 25 alternating each pair with and without ankle band. Rest about 10-15 sec on each.
PM:6:30: Spin
30 miles, 95 minutes
Progressive increase in power/HR: maintained 95-100 rpm throughout ride
15 min 150W, HR ave = 86, HR mx = 91
15 min 180W, HR ave = 92, HR mx = 94
20 min 200W, HR ave = 98, HR mx = 98
20 min 220 W, HR ave= 101, HR mx= 106
15 min 250W, HR ave= 113, HR mx = 122
5 min 300W, HR ave = 132, HR mx = 134
5 min cool down, 150W
HR Zone Summary:
Zone 1 = 80 min (84%)
Zone 2 = 6 min (6%)
Zone 3 = 4 min (4%)
** strong workout. Cardio fitness is rapidly progressing since I've been consistent in workouts the past 3 weeks. On monday, at 200W, HR ave 111 and max 130 (today this similar HR was at 250+ Watts) On 12/28 spin, HR 117 at 210W (similar HR today at 250W)
Swim a.m. 2k (51 min)
Spin p.m. 30 miles (95 min)
AM 6:00: Swim
2k, 51 minutes
500 wu in 8:30
50 of each drill (4 balance, 4 stroke), with 100 free between balance and stroke drills and at end of stroke drills (1:24). (Total 600 yd)
Then 12 X 50 on 1 min cycle all in 40-42. 1 min rest to next set
Then 12 X 25 alternating each pair with and without ankle band. Rest about 10-15 sec on each.
PM:6:30: Spin
30 miles, 95 minutes
Progressive increase in power/HR: maintained 95-100 rpm throughout ride
15 min 150W, HR ave = 86, HR mx = 91
15 min 180W, HR ave = 92, HR mx = 94
20 min 200W, HR ave = 98, HR mx = 98
20 min 220 W, HR ave= 101, HR mx= 106
15 min 250W, HR ave= 113, HR mx = 122
5 min 300W, HR ave = 132, HR mx = 134
5 min cool down, 150W
HR Zone Summary:
Zone 1 = 80 min (84%)
Zone 2 = 6 min (6%)
Zone 3 = 4 min (4%)
** strong workout. Cardio fitness is rapidly progressing since I've been consistent in workouts the past 3 weeks. On monday, at 200W, HR ave 111 and max 130 (today this similar HR was at 250+ Watts) On 12/28 spin, HR 117 at 210W (similar HR today at 250W)
Tuesday, January 03, 2006
Road to CDA 06: run/core
Tues 1/3
Summary: 7 mile run, 54 minutes
20 minutes Pilates abs
Ran easy with group from duniway, up to charthouse. Good weather, 42 deg. , no rain. Few drills after.
No weights tonight. Went out and ate Mexican with Rob/Erin instead.
Before bed, 20 minutes of Pilates abs workout
Right calf more sore than usual. Have run 3 days in a row.
Zone summary: Zone 1 = 41:00 (76%)
Zone 2 = 13:00 (24%)
Total ascent from track to charthouse and back = 360 ft
* Will alter schedule and take next 2 days off running. Will spend time trying to get over calf pain. Swim, weights, core, and Spinning for next 2 days.
Have run 20 miles over past 3 days which is as much as I have been running for an entire week past month.
Summary: 7 mile run, 54 minutes
20 minutes Pilates abs
Ran easy with group from duniway, up to charthouse. Good weather, 42 deg. , no rain. Few drills after.
No weights tonight. Went out and ate Mexican with Rob/Erin instead.
Before bed, 20 minutes of Pilates abs workout
Right calf more sore than usual. Have run 3 days in a row.
Zone summary: Zone 1 = 41:00 (76%)
Zone 2 = 13:00 (24%)
Total ascent from track to charthouse and back = 360 ft
* Will alter schedule and take next 2 days off running. Will spend time trying to get over calf pain. Swim, weights, core, and Spinning for next 2 days.
Have run 20 miles over past 3 days which is as much as I have been running for an entire week past month.
Monday, January 02, 2006
Road to CDA 06: bike/swim/run
Mon 1/2
Weight 173.2: Body fat 7.5%: Waking HR 46 bpm
Bike 40 miles, 2:11
Swim 2k, 60 min
Run 6, 45 min
Put off weight routine until tuesday pm.
Bike on trainer 12 noon, 2:11. First 15 min 150W/95 rpm: HR ave = 88, Max = 98
Next 15 min 170W/95 rpm: HR ave= 90, max 98
Next 75 min 200W/90 rpm: HR ave 111, max 130
Next 15 min 180W/90-95 rpm: HR ave 110, max 128
Final 11 min 150W/95 rpm: HR ave 92, max 102
*at 1 hour 45 min, HR climbed above 130 so I backed down Watts to 180 for 15 min. Cooled down final 3 miles.
Bike Zone Summary: Entire ride in Zones 1 and 2
Lunch, then 3 hour break. Then went to gym
Swim: 300 wu in 4:40, then same drill routing as sunday 1/1
Then 12 X 50 in sets of 3: first pull (w/ buoy), next w/ ankle band, third free style. 50 yd cd breast stroke.
* After 2 sets (6 50's) I stopped at 25 mark to rest with the ankle band. Too tough to do the entire 50 with the ankle band and have decent balance.
Run: Treadmill (TM), 6 miles in 45 min
Mile 1 in 8 min pace HR ave 118, max 128
Mile 2 in 7:30 pace HR ave 131, max 135
Miles 3-4 in 7:00 pace HR ave 140, max 143
Miles 5-6 in 8 pace HR ave 129, max 135
Run Zone Summary
Zone 1 = 8:30 (19%)
Zone 2 = 22:30 (49%)
Zone 3 = 11:30 (25%)
Zone 4 = 3:05 (7%)
Take home message: Goal was to go 90 min on bike at 200W, without going over into zone 2: I couldn't do this so I backed off Watts to 180 with 15 min left.
On run, goal was to stay below anaerobic threshold (around 148), while slowly increasing HR higher into Zone 4 (Sub threshold). Spent majority of run in Zone 2 (Extensive Endurance) with was at the 7:30 pace miles, miles 2 and 8min pace for miles5-6: I again slowed to 8 pace because calf started to tighten up again. Pleased with run though. Stayed controlled thoughout and left my ego at home.
Weight 173.2: Body fat 7.5%: Waking HR 46 bpm
Bike 40 miles, 2:11
Swim 2k, 60 min
Run 6, 45 min
Put off weight routine until tuesday pm.
Bike on trainer 12 noon, 2:11. First 15 min 150W/95 rpm: HR ave = 88, Max = 98
Next 15 min 170W/95 rpm: HR ave= 90, max 98
Next 75 min 200W/90 rpm: HR ave 111, max 130
Next 15 min 180W/90-95 rpm: HR ave 110, max 128
Final 11 min 150W/95 rpm: HR ave 92, max 102
*at 1 hour 45 min, HR climbed above 130 so I backed down Watts to 180 for 15 min. Cooled down final 3 miles.
Bike Zone Summary: Entire ride in Zones 1 and 2
Lunch, then 3 hour break. Then went to gym
Swim: 300 wu in 4:40, then same drill routing as sunday 1/1
Then 12 X 50 in sets of 3: first pull (w/ buoy), next w/ ankle band, third free style. 50 yd cd breast stroke.
* After 2 sets (6 50's) I stopped at 25 mark to rest with the ankle band. Too tough to do the entire 50 with the ankle band and have decent balance.
Run: Treadmill (TM), 6 miles in 45 min
Mile 1 in 8 min pace HR ave 118, max 128
Mile 2 in 7:30 pace HR ave 131, max 135
Miles 3-4 in 7:00 pace HR ave 140, max 143
Miles 5-6 in 8 pace HR ave 129, max 135
Run Zone Summary
Zone 1 = 8:30 (19%)
Zone 2 = 22:30 (49%)
Zone 3 = 11:30 (25%)
Zone 4 = 3:05 (7%)
Take home message: Goal was to go 90 min on bike at 200W, without going over into zone 2: I couldn't do this so I backed off Watts to 180 with 15 min left.
On run, goal was to stay below anaerobic threshold (around 148), while slowly increasing HR higher into Zone 4 (Sub threshold). Spent majority of run in Zone 2 (Extensive Endurance) with was at the 7:30 pace miles, miles 2 and 8min pace for miles5-6: I again slowed to 8 pace because calf started to tighten up again. Pleased with run though. Stayed controlled thoughout and left my ego at home.
Estimated HR Zones on bike
Zone 1 AR = <113 (active recovery)
Zone2 EE = 113-127 (Extensive Endurance)
Zone3 IE = 128-133 (Intensive Endurance)
Zone4 T1 = 134-142 (Threshold Training: sub-threshold)
Zone5a T2 = 143-145 (Threshold Trainint: threshold)
Zone5b VO = 146-150 (VO2 Max intervals)
Zone 5c AI = 151 + (Anaerobic intervals)
Zone 1 AR = <113 (active recovery)
Zone2 EE = 113-127 (Extensive Endurance)
Zone3 IE = 128-133 (Intensive Endurance)
Zone4 T1 = 134-142 (Threshold Training: sub-threshold)
Zone5a T2 = 143-145 (Threshold Trainint: threshold)
Zone5b VO = 146-150 (VO2 Max intervals)
Zone 5c AI = 151 + (Anaerobic intervals)
Sunday, January 01, 2006
Road to CDA 06 Weekly Plan
Week of 1/2-1/8
Goal: Bike 120, run 40, swim 6K
Run goal will not be met by me or ann. Ann broke her 4th toe saturday night. I will not push my calf, which is now feeling nearly normal. I will keep it easy and see how it goes.
Mon: off of work: Will ride 2.5-3 hrs, 40-50 miles. Swim drills, 2k: 4-6 milerun, weight routine
Tues: Easy 6-8 mile run: Core after at home, 30 min
Wed: morning swim, will start to cut drills to 50 yd, and start more 50's: 2 k total
afternoon: spin 30 miles. 30 min at 170W, 30 at 200W, final 30min at 220W, 5 min cd.
Thurs: Run easy 6-8, core at home
Fri: Swim 2k, no drills, will try 300 wu, 100 cd: 32 X 50: Then TM run4 miles progess pace from 8 to 7 over final 3 miles if calf holds up.
Sat: Work in am: will ride 40-60, weight routine after 4 mile easy run on TM
Sun: Work 7a-7p, then call until morning. Will take day off.
Goal: Bike 120, run 40, swim 6K
Run goal will not be met by me or ann. Ann broke her 4th toe saturday night. I will not push my calf, which is now feeling nearly normal. I will keep it easy and see how it goes.
Mon: off of work: Will ride 2.5-3 hrs, 40-50 miles. Swim drills, 2k: 4-6 milerun, weight routine
Tues: Easy 6-8 mile run: Core after at home, 30 min
Wed: morning swim, will start to cut drills to 50 yd, and start more 50's: 2 k total
afternoon: spin 30 miles. 30 min at 170W, 30 at 200W, final 30min at 220W, 5 min cd.
Thurs: Run easy 6-8, core at home
Fri: Swim 2k, no drills, will try 300 wu, 100 cd: 32 X 50: Then TM run4 miles progess pace from 8 to 7 over final 3 miles if calf holds up.
Sat: Work in am: will ride 40-60, weight routine after 4 mile easy run on TM
Sun: Work 7a-7p, then call until morning. Will take day off.
Road to CDA 06: swim/run
Sunday 1/1
Run: 6.25 miles, 50 min
Swim: 1400, 45:00
Run Treadmill, steady 8 min pace. Calf .5-1/5, very mild pain and stable. HR <126 entire run
Swim: 300 wu 4:45
Drills: 100 yds each (8 total, 4 balance and 4 stroke drills)
balance: 25 drill, swim freetyle 25
balance with roll: 25 drill, swim free 25
Side drill, single arm: 25 each arm, switch each 25
Slide and Glide: 4 X 25
100 free style trying to remember balance from drills: maintained balance for 75 yds, then felt imbalanced final 25: 1:24, breathing every third
Zipper/finger drag: 25 zipper, back finger drag: 100 total
catch-up: 4 X 25
One arm: 25 each arm X 4
Fist: 4X25: 3/4 of link with fist, then convert to free style to feel effects of drill
Then did 4 X 25 with ankle strap: Getting better, really have to press chest to keep hips up
Then 100 free to incorporate drills: 120, breathing every third
Comments: Felt much more balanced today in water. Did a total of 2400 of drills this week.
HR on run improving: 3 weeks ago, 8 min pace would raise HR to above Zone 1 (128) first mile. By 15 min I would be up at upper Zone 4 (148). Today, most of run was under 120, with increase to 122-124 final 10 minutes.
Run: 6.25 miles, 50 min
Swim: 1400, 45:00
Run Treadmill, steady 8 min pace. Calf .5-1/5, very mild pain and stable. HR <126 entire run
Swim: 300 wu 4:45
Drills: 100 yds each (8 total, 4 balance and 4 stroke drills)
balance: 25 drill, swim freetyle 25
balance with roll: 25 drill, swim free 25
Side drill, single arm: 25 each arm, switch each 25
Slide and Glide: 4 X 25
100 free style trying to remember balance from drills: maintained balance for 75 yds, then felt imbalanced final 25: 1:24, breathing every third
Zipper/finger drag: 25 zipper, back finger drag: 100 total
catch-up: 4 X 25
One arm: 25 each arm X 4
Fist: 4X25: 3/4 of link with fist, then convert to free style to feel effects of drill
Then did 4 X 25 with ankle strap: Getting better, really have to press chest to keep hips up
Then 100 free to incorporate drills: 120, breathing every third
Comments: Felt much more balanced today in water. Did a total of 2400 of drills this week.
HR on run improving: 3 weeks ago, 8 min pace would raise HR to above Zone 1 (128) first mile. By 15 min I would be up at upper Zone 4 (148). Today, most of run was under 120, with increase to 122-124 final 10 minutes.
Road to CDA 06: bike
Bike: distance 44 miles, 3:18
Total Ascent 3080 ft
Time: 3:18
Ave HR 101, Max 156 (pushed final 800 foot climb to home to get a max rate)
Zones: 1 = 75% (goal), 2:27
2 = 6%, 12:00
3 = 2.5%, 4:45
4 = 2%, 4:00
5 = 2%, 4:00
6 = 1%, 2:00 (during final climb)
7 = 0% (T2c, HR 158-168)
Bike 44 miles with Ann, Erin, Rob, Dan. First hour good cond. final 2 hours 42 degrees and raining, with some downpours. Out to springwater corridor to boring, across 26 toward bluff rd, then kelso back to boring. Climbed all the way back. All of the climbing final 25 miles. Feet and hands numb for about 30 min. after ride. Tough one.
Bike: distance 44 miles, 3:18
Total Ascent 3080 ft
Time: 3:18
Ave HR 101, Max 156 (pushed final 800 foot climb to home to get a max rate)
Zones: 1 = 75% (goal), 2:27
2 = 6%, 12:00
3 = 2.5%, 4:45
4 = 2%, 4:00
5 = 2%, 4:00
6 = 1%, 2:00 (during final climb)
7 = 0% (T2c, HR 158-168)
Bike 44 miles with Ann, Erin, Rob, Dan. First hour good cond. final 2 hours 42 degrees and raining, with some downpours. Out to springwater corridor to boring, across 26 toward bluff rd, then kelso back to boring. Climbed all the way back. All of the climbing final 25 miles. Feet and hands numb for about 30 min. after ride. Tough one.