Saturday, January 21, 2006
Road to CDA 06: Run: fri 1/20:
Fri 1/20:
Summary: weights 25:00/ Run TM 8.5 miles (1:12)
Weight routine: legs only
lunges, single leg ham/quads, inner/outer thigh, leg press, calf raise: all 2 sets, 20 reps
Run on Treadmill: 72 min, 8.5 miles
first 20 min 8 min pace, no incline. Then did progressive increase in the incline, then back down. Pace varied with HR parameters. 8-9:20/mile to keep within target HR zones.
TIME---------PACE------------ INCLINE
20 min------ 8 min pace-----------0%
8 min--------8:20 pace------------3%
10 min------ 8:30-9-------------- 4%
12 min-------9-9:40-------------- 5%
10 min------ 8:45-9:20-----------4%
8 min--------8:30-9-------------- 3%
4 min cd-----8-8:20-------------- 0%
Zone Summary:
Zone 1 = 33% (24:00)
Zone 2 = 18% (13:00)
Zone 3 = 27% (19:00)
Zone 4 = 22% (16:00)
* Could never get a progressive zone workout like this on the road. At 5% incline, 12 min segment, I was varying my pace from 9-9:40 almost every 15 seconds to keep HR within Zone 4 (144-149 bpm) This is the major benefit of incorporating TM workouts in a program. Have been doing these since 1995, and think these are one of the keys to treaining your physiology to adapt to progressive increases in HR and effort.
Summary: weights 25:00/ Run TM 8.5 miles (1:12)
Weight routine: legs only
lunges, single leg ham/quads, inner/outer thigh, leg press, calf raise: all 2 sets, 20 reps
Run on Treadmill: 72 min, 8.5 miles
first 20 min 8 min pace, no incline. Then did progressive increase in the incline, then back down. Pace varied with HR parameters. 8-9:20/mile to keep within target HR zones.
TIME---------PACE------------ INCLINE
20 min------ 8 min pace-----------0%
8 min--------8:20 pace------------3%
10 min------ 8:30-9-------------- 4%
12 min-------9-9:40-------------- 5%
10 min------ 8:45-9:20-----------4%
8 min--------8:30-9-------------- 3%
4 min cd-----8-8:20-------------- 0%
Zone Summary:
Zone 1 = 33% (24:00)
Zone 2 = 18% (13:00)
Zone 3 = 27% (19:00)
Zone 4 = 22% (16:00)
* Could never get a progressive zone workout like this on the road. At 5% incline, 12 min segment, I was varying my pace from 9-9:40 almost every 15 seconds to keep HR within Zone 4 (144-149 bpm) This is the major benefit of incorporating TM workouts in a program. Have been doing these since 1995, and think these are one of the keys to treaining your physiology to adapt to progressive increases in HR and effort.