Tuesday, February 28, 2006


Road to CDA 06: Bike 122

Tues 2/28

Summary: Bike 122 (8:35)/ 11,240 ft Ascent

Road with Ann for first 60 miles, 4 hours, ave 15 mph. Climbed 3300 ft. Thunderstormed on twice, had to pull over once for shelter because of lightning. After dropping off Ann, turned into Gorge and started the second 1/2 of my ride. Rode another 62 miles, and climbed an additional 8000 ft. Got thunderstormed on 2 more times. Very violent storms, black skies, ect. A little worried at times but couldnt stop because I knew I would be biking out of the gorge in the dark as it was. I pushed the first 5000 ft ascent in the first 30 miles, and legs died out. Metabolically, I felt fine, just no leg strength. The only descents on the way out were against a 30 mph headwind, max speed of 20 in big ring. On the way back, storms moved through and I had no tail wind that I had counted on! Got to top of gorge (final climb of 1100 ft) and realized I was going to be 5 miles short of 120, so I turned and dropped right back in for another climb. That hurt.

Zone Summary:
Zone 0 = 7.8% (40')
Zone 1 = 57% (4:55)(compare to saturday's ride)
Zone 2 = 14.2% (1:14)
Zone 3 = 13.4% (1:09)
Zone 4 = 6.7% (34'45")
Zone5a= .7% (3'40")
* Zone 0 and 1 almost entirely on ride with Ann, first 4 hours. Most of my second 1/2 or ride was in Zones 2-4. Worked the hills pretty hard first 8000 ft until legs had nothing left, then worked another 3000 ft.

*Plan on another 120+ ride tomarrow. The first part of the 5 day block was to get prepared for these final 2 days. With a day to go, just over 30,000 ft climbing in 4 days.

*Breakfast: 3 Slices french toast, 3 scrambled eggs
*Ride: 2 X 30 oz water bottles, each with 160g maltodextrin + 1 scoop endurolytes, pinch of lemon crystal-light for flavor. Started the carb's at 4 hours, then had bottles marked off every 6 oz, each 6 0z portion of which contains 26g carbs. Took 6 oz every 20-30 minutes + extra water as needed. Ate 1 lemon cliff bar at 3 hours.
Post ride: 20 grams protein + 80g carbo's.
Dinner: big plate of pasta, added 5 scallops for some protein.

Monday, February 27, 2006


Road to CDA 06: core/Swim 4000/Bike 40

Mon 2/28

Summary: 35 min core/ Swim 4000 (1:13)/Bike 40 (2:33/ 2420 ft ascent)

Raining and windy today in Auburn. Found a 24hr fitness center 30 min. away. Core 35 min. Then Swim:
Swim 4000: 1000 wu in 15'45", 500 free then 500 pull.
Set 1 = 2 X 200/40 (both in 2:57), then 4 X 100/30 (1:22/23/21/20)
Set 2 = 2 X 200/35 (2:56/57), then 4 X 100/25 (3 in 1:25, 1 in 1:27)
Set 3 = 2 X 200/30 (2:54/51), then 4 X 100/20 (all in 1:25)
Set 4 = 10 X 50/1 min cycle, all pull in 40-42"
cd 100 breast/free.
Pushed on my third set of 200's to get down near 2:50. By push, I mean I really felt the pull on the stroke. Pulled water all the way through to hips and tried not to pull arm up too early. Overall, felt strong entire workout.

Lunch then bike 2 hours later: 40 miles easy in 2:33. Ann getting pretty tired on the hills but stable considering this is the most she has ever biked. (her peak week for 7 days last season was 220 miles). My legs are stable but quads a little sore at insertion around knee bilateral. I was going to ride down into the gorge for another 1000 ft at the end but realized this is a rest day. Still climbed 2420 though. Cant avoid the hills since Auburn is 1300 ft and everywhere you ride, you drop into valley (170 ft above sea level) or down to the river, 300 ft altitude.

Zone Summary:
Zone 0 = 21% (32')
Zone 1 = 79% (2:01)

Breakfast: 2 yogurt (10g protein), 80z milk (8g protein), Bran muffin, coffee
Lunch: After swim, 60g carbs, 15g protein drink. Then, Burger and fries (splurged). (about 20 g protein and a whole lot of fat)
After bike ride, 75g carbs, 25g protein drink.
Dinner: Pasta with meat sauce.


Road to CDA 06: Weekly Quote

With hills there is an end-point, a place you can see and strive for. It all occurs on the hill- strength, weakness, fear, solitude, and finally accomplishment. When the hill is behind you, there's a feeling of completing the task, reaching your goal.

When repeating this again and again in a workout, week after week, you soon develop a sense of comfort on reaching your goals. Your fear of striving for your goal becomes blunted. This translates into a comfort with pain during the race, and you get stronger.

Sunday, February 26, 2006


Road to CDA 06: Weekly Plan 2/27-3/5: Base 3 Week 3

Week of feb 27 - mar 5: Base 3 week 3

M: Swim somewhere in auburn/sacramento: may ride in afternoon. 100% chance of heavy rains all day. Will try to ride 40-60 in afternoon.
T: Rain supposed to continue through the afternoon. Will be on bike by 10am, ride until 5-6pm depending on weather. Will try to get at least 80
W: Bike 100-120, drive to lake tahoe.
T: Snowboarding at Heavenly, south lake tahoe
F: Snowboarding
S: Depending on weather, may run slow in morning, 30 min. May stop on road to ride on the way home, if still daylight. If so, will ride near Mt Shasta.
S: Run 8 very easy in morning, then ride 40 depending on weather.

CDA Group: Try to repeat from last week, except on saturday, depending on weather, try to run 90 min easy-slow, then ride 80. Week should be similar but keep emphasis on cycling. Do 2 hill sessions, T/F and extend hills to 90 seconds length X 8. Goals are 200 on bike, 40 run and 6k swim. Swim can be 4k swims +2k. 2 of the hill sesson runs should be 9 miles each, then 12 on saturday before ride. That leaves 8 on sunday and an easy 4 miler during the week. For bike, 100 on saturday, 40 on sunday leaves 60 miles of cycling during the week. I would suggest 2X30 milers, maybe on trainer. No weights this week. limited core.
M = Swim 4k
T = Run 4 in am , 9 in pm
W = Spin 30 miles on trainer, core at home
T = Swim 2k in morning, 30 miles on trainer in pm.
F = Run 9 in pm, core at home after
S = Run 12, then bike 100
S = Run 8, then bike 40.


Road to CDA 06: Weekly Summary (2/20-2/26)

Week of 2/20-2/26 Base 3 Week 2

Only 5 days of workouts this week. One day spent driving down to Auburn, CA for some cycling.

Total Hours: 17:50
S/B/R/ Hours: 16:50 (5 days )
w/c Hours: 60'

Swim: 8000 (2 sessions) Time = 2:31

Bike: 181 (2 rides) Time = 12:22

Run: 16 (3 runs) Time = 1:57

Weights 30' (1 leg session)/Core 30' (1 session)

Light on the running this week and next week because of 5 day bike camp in california. Felt good this week however, on pace for periodization to build phases.


Road to CDA 06: Bike 80 (day 2)

Sun 2/26

Summary: Day 2 in Auburn, bike 80 (5:24), 6020 Ascent (past 2 days, 15,430 ft ascent)

Felt good. left IT band sore first 10 miles. Stopped and stretched it out lightly and it loosend right up. This ride was like 2 half's, one early nice and relaxed, and the latter 1/2, more intense.

First 40, ascent 1050, pace ave 17 mph, cloudy and 65 degrees
Second 40, ascent 5000, pace ave 12.5, windy and raining almost continuous, temp drop to 42 degrees. Finished frozen feet, hands. No waterproof gear, and only toe covers on shoes. No winter gloves on.

Zone Summary: Goal accomplished. Kept climbs in higher gears for muscular endurance, cadence around 40-50 on big climbs. Never above Zone 1.
Zone Summary:
Zone 0 = 18% (58')
Zone 1 = 82% (4:36)

*Good ride with Ann. Didnt push her, and it made me go easy. Felt like an easy recovery ride for me. Ann's goal is not to go 9:30, so no need to push her. I kept her back on the flats and didnt rush her on the hills.

*Breakfast, 3 slices french toast, 2 scrambled eggs, juice, coffee. 200g maltodextrin during ride + 1 cliff bar. Dinner, chinese: quart of rice with sliced chicken and veggies. Some low fat ice cream after.

*Tough decision. Supposed to rain heavely all day tomarrow and tuesday morning, highs of 50. Break in rain tuesday afternoon and wed. In Bishop (6 hour drive) supposed to rain tomarrow and snow, chance of rain tuesday and clear wed. We decided its not worth it to drive over 6 hours to catch 1/2 day of no rain. We now know many of the routes here and I feel comfortable knowing how far I am from the hotel in case of conditions turning bad on tuesdays long ride. Wed will probably now be the long ride. Being only 2 hours from tahoe, we can ride longer wed, right up until sunset, then make the drive. From bishop, the drive would have been over 4 hours, tough after a long ride. Oh yeah...there is a hot tub here too.

Saturday, February 25, 2006


Road to CDA 06: Bike 101 (Day 1)

Sat 2/25

Summary: Bike 101 (6:58) in Auburn, CA. Total ascent 9410ft.

Auburn, CA: Day 1
This place is hilly. Out up Forest Hill road to the town of forest hill. First 30 miles with 3500 ft ascent. Then back to American River Gorge, drop down 900 ft to river and switch-back up the other side. Then predominately rolling the rest of the way. Biked out to
Folsom lake, near the start of the Auburn 1/2 Ironman we plan on running in May. Climbed back through gorge on the final ascent back to hotel. Didnt push Ann, she completed ride well. Started to bonk about 5 hours, but the final hour and final climb (1100 ft) she turned it around and finished strong.

* Legs tired but stable, could have gone 120 and another couple of thousand feet today. (probably because of the last 2 days off). Had to ride from mile 10-70 with seat angled upward about 30 degrees. Pain in crouch slowly increased through ride. Couldnt get into aero position, and had to sit on the back of the seat. Finally found an auto parts store that had the tool I needed to fix seat angle. Lucky we found a store, the seat was about 1mm from sliding off its housing. The one size of hex tool I needed, I didnt have in my bag. By mile 90, pain in crouch subsided.

Zone Summary:
Zone 0 = 10% (49') (HR less than 75)
Zone 1 = 70.6% (4:55) (HR 75-115)
Zone 2 = 16% (1:07) (HR 116-127)
Zone 3 = 2 % (9') (HR 128-135)

During ride: 2, 30 oz water bottels each with 180 grams of maltodextrin, 1 scoop of endurolytes, touch of lemon flavor (crystal light). Starting drinking carbs about 2 hours into ride (pancakes prior t ride). Ate 1 cliff bar at 5 hours, and 1 GU at 6 hours. 2 additional 30oz bottles of plain water.

*Immediately after ride, hot tub and drank 34 oz bottle with 100g maltodextrin and 30 grams protein. Ann did same thing during ride and after, specified for her body weight.
*2 hours after ride, chinese with seafood, light oil, and plenty of rice.

Friday, February 24, 2006


Road to CDA 06: Off

So, we decided to push to get down to Auburn, CA in one day, arrived about 830pm. Thought of riding in Mt Shasta region but would rather have more hours here in Auburn tomarrow. Not sure what the plan is, will decide on the fly tomarrow. Likely will ride a few hours in am, on road by 8 and ride until 11. Then a second ride in around 2:30 after lunch.
2 seperate rides will let us get to know some of the roads. Supposed to rain monday-wed here so will watch weather and see what the chances are. Its another 7 hours to Long pine so we will try to stay in this area predominately. We may try to push to Bishop on monday if its raining here. Monday will be short ride recovery day, and Bishop is about 5-6 hours. Bishop will place us on the northern edge of death valley. We'll see, we have to play it by the weather forcast.

Thursday, February 23, 2006


Road to CDA: Off

Thurs 2/23

I am tired, motivation is down, and have to pack everything to leave in the morning for bike camp. Not running 8 miles wont kill me.

Wednesday, February 22, 2006


Road to CDA 06: Weights-Run 4/ Swim 4000

Wed 2/22 (need to do weight routine, and need my morning run. So, I will do legs only, then run shorter. Tonight, will Swim, then do arms/back, then try to run again.

Summary: a.m. weights legs only, then run 4 TM (26')/p.m. Swim 4000 (1:13)

6:30 am: Weight routine legs only, all 2 sets of 20:
lunges: bar + 20 lb
single leg ham curl: 35 lb
single leg quad extension: 35 lb
inner/outer thigh: 60 lb
leg press/calf press: 105 lb

Then Run 4 on TM: First 10 min at 6:40 pace, next 10 min at 6:20 pace, final 6 min at 6:40 pace. Goal was to hopefully spend >90% of time in Zones 2/3. Max HR on this was the final couple of minutes at 6:20 pace, 144. (1 beat into zone 4)
Zone Summary:
Zone 1 = 15% (4')
Zone 2 = 28% (7'30")
Zone 3 = 48% (12'30")
Zone 4 = 10% (2')

Swim in pm: 1000 pull warm up in 15:20 (1:32/100 ave)
Set 1 = 10 X 300/40: First 6 in 4:34-38 (1:31-33/100 ave pace), 7th slower at 4:42. Pulled on 8 for 4:42, 9/10 both 4:45. Calf cramp on 7, so I pulled #8. On 9, right arch cramp, on 10 hamstring cramp.

*Yeah, this one hurt. Can't do a weight set on arms when arms are dead. Cancelled run because of the leg cramping.


Tuesday, February 21, 2006


Road to CDA 06: Run 4/Run 8

Tues 2/21

Summary: run 4 in am (27'), run 8 w/ hills in pm (64')

Run 6:30 am, 4 on TM: first 4 min at 7:30 pace, then like last week, inc. pace about 10sec/mile every 2 minutes for 20 minutes. 3 minute cd at 6:40-7:30 pace. Ended up 6 min/mile pace final 2 minutes, but final mile at 6:12 pace. Never in Zone 5. High Zone 4 at 6 min pace.
*this workout was tough to get up an complete. Legs still in tail end of recovery from Sunday ride.
Zone Summary:
Zone 1 = 40% (11')
Zone 2 = 25% (6:30)
Zone 3 = 18% (5')
Zone 4 = 17% (4:30)

Run 5:30 pm: 3+ mile wu/2+mile cd. 8 X 65-75second uphill repeats. Same as last week but started about 15 seconds further down hill. Progressed time to top from 75" the first 4, to 70" on 5-6, 65" on 7, 61" on 8th.
Good Group: Ann, Erin, Rob, Andy, Tim D, Dan W
Zone Summary:
Zone 1 = 76% (48:30)
Zone 2 = 7.5% (5')
Zone 3 = 4.2% (2:40)
Zone 4 = 3.4% (2:10)
Zona5a= 4.7% (3')
Zone5b= 3.5% (2:15)
Zone5c= 1% (30")
*Good run day with 2 solid runs. Short but more time spent in higher zones. Gradually spending more time at and above threshold. Its a gradual process, only a few minutes in Zones 5 now but will progress on repeats hopefully to several minutes (up to 30). Will also progress to the point where tempo in Zone 4 (sub threshold) feels comfortable for 60'.

Monday, February 20, 2006


Road to CDA 06: Swim 4000/ core

Mon 2/20

Summary: Swim 4000 (1:18) , Core 30'

500 pull wu.
10 X 200/35 first 5 free, second 5 pull. All 3-3:05
10 X 100/30 all free. All 1:26-27
10 X 50/1 min cycle. First 5 pull w/ ankle band. Final 5 free

This swim was not easy. Long rides always take it out of you. I just slowed down 5 seconds or so on the 200's, and 2-3 seconds on the 100's and I was able to complete the workout.

After dinner, core 30'


Road to CDA: Weekly Quote

"Competitive runners often tightrope the red line between pure, unadulterated pain and something less severe, say, discomfort. Experienced distance runners are used to discomfort- a familar training companion. In fact, we purposely venture out of our comfort zone in training- those sizzling speed sessions, killer hill workouts, or even a several hour distance run- where the lactic acid flows freely. This "venturing out" toward the borders of pain is Nietschean in both quest and theory. 'What does not destroy me makes me stonger'
- or so we hope."

G. Gordon Liddy, on running

"The most important thing you can learn about training for a triathon is to simulate race conditions as close as possible. Train yourself in advance to deal with discomfort and fatigue you'll experience when you race"

Dave Scott, Triathlon Training, 1986

Sunday, February 19, 2006


Road to CDA Weekly Plan: 2/20 - 2/26 Base 3 Week 2

Week of feb 20-26: Base 3 week 2

M: Swim 4k, core
T: Run 4 in a.m. , 8 in p.m. with hill repeats like last week.
W: Run 6 in a.m., Swim 3-3500k pm. weights after
T: Run 12 pm, core after
F: Leave for california. Will be out of door 7am. Drive to 3pm, then bike 40 miles where ever we end up. May run 4 easy after if not too late.
S: Bike 40 in a.m. then leave for remainder of drive. 60 in p.m.
S: Bike 100-110 from lone pine, CA, Alabama hills and east slope of Sierra Nevada range

M (27th): From western edge of death valley, 40 in a.m. eat and sleep, 60 in p.m. Drive to Furnace creek, death valley.
T (28th): From Furnace creek, 200 ft below sea level on badwater road, 120 miles through death valley. Will have at least two climbs over 5000 ft.
W (1st). Ride in late morning 40-50 (ann will take day off if too tired). In early afternoon, drive to south lake tahoe.
T: snowboard EASY at heavenly, south lake tahoe. Hot tub and massage after.
F: snowboard , hot tub, massage.
S: Up in morning, drive to bend. Swim at Bend YMCA in evening.
S: Drive back to pdx. Try an easy 30-40 mile spin in late afternoon.

CDA group: For a local bike weekend of the 24th-26th, if you want to get a "mini camp"
F (24th), spin 40 miles easy
S (25th) 40 miles in a.m. 60 in p.m.
S (26th) 105-110
*NO running on these three days and NO swimming. You have to ride EASY on satuday for BOTH rides. Save the hill climbing for sunday. Monday the 27th will be OFF, tuesday will be a swim in the evening. Can run on Wed. evening. (march 1st)


Road to CDA: Weekly Summary 2/13 - 2/19

Weekly Summary, Base 3 week 1

Total Hours = 22:55
S/B/R Hours = 22:05
weights = 50'

Swim 11000 (3 sessions) Time = 3:45)

Bike 184 (3 rides) Time = 12:30

Run 40 (5 runs) Time = 5:50

W/C = single session, 50 min.

This was a good week. 2 Solid key bike rides, 4 key runs (2 hill sessions, 12 miler, 15 miler), and 3 key swim sessions. I am thinner and stronger than ever before this early in the season. Have never been able to work the hills on rides so effectivly so early on. Getting strong early is ok based on my goals at CDA, cant go crazy and overtrain early. Still have to maintain primarily Zone 1 workouts another few weeks. My confidence in climbing is increasing, hardly any hills will put me below 10 mph on the bike, the strength I had last season a month before IM hawaii.

Still need to get in more strength sessions, and more core. Its tough on a 22 hour week to fit it in. Not because of time, but because of being too tired at night. Will keep trying to get more than 1 session in.


Road to CDA 06: Bike 104

Sun 2/19

Summary: Bike 104 (6:25), 16.3 mph ave

Bike with group (Ann, Hannes, John P, Dan W, Erin/Ron P) from pearl 24 hr fitness, out 30 to Vernonia, then to Timber, back via 6 to 26 to North Plain. Then took West Union to Laidlaw, and up West Thompson. Down to Cornell, Lovejoy, back to gym. 104 total. No elevation ascent (altimeter broken). Solid ride the whole way. Tire split in Scapoose and John P gave me his front tire to replace as his ride was over due to a critical breakdown. Lost 30' riding but after that, no flats or other problems. Stopped 5' in Vernonia to refill water, then all the way back. Pushed hard on all significant hills, maintain over 10mph, even all the way up Thompson at end of ride. Felt strong all the way to the end even though legs drained/fatigued. Nearly perfect weather, chilly to start, but warmed up into mid 40's by a few hours.

Zone Summary:
Zone 1 = 81% (5:12)
Zone 2 = 8.6% (33')
Zone 3 = 2.7% (10')
Zone 4 = 4% (15')
Zone 5a= 2.3% (9')
Zone5b= 0.3% (1')
Zone5c= 1% (4')
Zone 0 = 0.6% (2')
* Solid ride. Very proud to see entire group pull the 15 mile stretch on West Union against wind at end of ride. Then when everyone is silent and starting to bonk, everyone pushed up West Thompson. Everyone's strength is slowly and steadily increasing, which is a good sign.
This periodization phase to get ready for the builds in march and april are on schedule.

Saturday, February 18, 2006


Road to CDA 06: Run 15/Swim 4000

Sat 1/18

Summary: Run in a.m. 15 (2:01), Swim 4000 (1:24)

Run: 15 at Forest park with Rob, Erin and Ann. Nice and easy, predominately zone 1. Didnt plan on running long but the day worked out that way. 30 degrees and windy, so had to change things around. Will bike tomarrow, supposed to be high 45 and lighter winds.

Zone Summary:
Zone 1 = 93% (1:53)
Zone 2 = 7% (8')

3 hour rest, then swim 4000
Swim: 500 pull wu + 400 drills (4 balance drills, 100 each). for cd, 400 easy pull.
Set 1: 2 X 150/40, 3 X 100/30, 6 X 50/20
Set 2: 2 x 150/30, 3 x 100/20, 6 X 50/10
Set 3: Repeat Set 1

Set 1 150's in 2:10, 100's in 1:25, 50's in 40
Set 2 150's in 2:12, 100's in 1:27, 50's in 42
Set 3 150's in 2:15, 100's in 1:27/28, 50's in 42 first 3, 45 final 3 (crashed)

*Felt good on first set, and second set through 100's. What hurt is the sets were contiguous, so on the final 50 of set 2, I only had 10 sec rest to start set 3. That put me behind and I slowly crashed down. Still breathing every 3rd most of the time (>90%), and am starting to approach my times from this time last season. That's a positive direction compared to Kona 05 when I tried breathing every third for the first time.

Friday, February 17, 2006


Road to CDA 06: Run 5

Fri 2/17

Summary: 5 1/2 miles in 44'

Very cold, 25 degrees after dark with strong winds. Out to hill from tuesday's workout 1.5 mile wu and cd.
Did same hill, same distance as tuesday. 8 repeats up with = rest coming down.
First 4 in 60"
Next 2 in 55"
7th in 50"
8th in 48"

On tuesday, first 4 in 65" , 5/6 in 62", final 2 in 60". Much stronger today.

Felt stronger than on tuesday, not having a 50 mile ride on my legs the likely reason.
Forgot HR strap so no Zone summary. I know I was in Zone 5c on the last 2 though.

Thursday, February 16, 2006


Road to CDA 06: Run 12/Bike 30

Thurs 2/16: forgot I was assigned the night shift so I have to day free to extend the workout!!

Summary: Run 12.5 (1:28)/Bike 30 (3:05, 2000 ft ascent)

Run in a.m. 12.5 miles at forest park. 1/4 wu and 1/4 cd. Ran out to mile 6 post and back. Total time for the 12, 1:24 (7 min pace). Out in 44 (7:20), back in 40:45 )6:48 pace. This felt comfortable. Goal was a primary Zone 1 and 2 run, goal was to try to be at least equal in Zones 1 and 2, but possibly more into Zone 2, but feel like not working too much.

Zone Summary:
Zone 1 = 26% (23')
Zone 2 = 60% (53')
Zone 3 = 13% (12')

30 min transition to bike.

Bike with Ann 30 miles in 2:05. Dropped down to corridor, out to boring to hwy 26. Then climbed most of the way back. Around 2000 ft ascent. Worked final climb from mt scott blvd up to my driveway (final 1/2 mile of climb). Never dropped below 10 mph on steepest ascent. This spiked my HR to 156 (Zone 5c).

Zone Summary:
Zone 1 = 70% (1 hr 28')
Zone 2 = 15% (15')
Zone 3 = 7% (9')
Zone 4 = 4% (5')
Zone 5(a,b,c) = 1.7% (2'15")
Zone 0 = 5.3% (7')
*Legs alittle sleepy on ride after run while spinning on flats. The hills on the way back woke them up.

Wednesday, February 15, 2006


Road to CDA 06: Swim 3600

Wed 2/15

Summary: Swim 3600 (70')

Swim; 500 pull wu in 8', no drills tonight.
3 sets, 1000 each

Set 1: 5 X 200/30 first one in 3:00, final 4 all in 2:57
Set 2: 10 X 100/30 first 5, 20s rest second 5: First 5 1:23-24, second 5 1:26-27
Set 3: 20 X 50/1min cycle: Alternate each 5 pull/free, first 15 the free were in 40, pull in 42. Crashed final 5 free, all in 43-44. Arms tired and severe diaphragm spasm started with 3 to go.

100 cd breast. Diaphragm spasm continued for about 30 min after swim. Couldnt take a deep breath. 1 hour later, able to breath properly, but still painful on left side. This is because I started breathing sporadically on the 10-15th 50's and sent my diaphragm into spasm. This happened 2 yrs ago at Ralphs 1/2 and I couldnt drink on the bike for an hour.

*This is a good lesson on staying focused on the details, and remembering past mistakes, especially when you get tired.

Tuesday, February 14, 2006


Road to CDA 06: Bike 50/Run 8

Tues 2/14

Summary: Bike 50 (3 hours, 3800 ascent), 1 hour transition, then Run 8 (70') first Hill workout.

Bike: 1pm, got on trainer because snowing outside and about 2" on the ground. 32 minutes into the training session, and watching Lance win the TDF prologue in 2001...I noticed a break in the clouds. Jumped off the trainer, and within 10' was heading down the hill to finish my ride outside. Got in 10 on trainer, 40 outside. About 3800 ascent. Maintained ave. of 16mph with 21-23 mph on flats. Rained on and sleeted on but not too bad. Finished ride at 4:20pm, drank down 75g carbo + 25g protein. Off to duniway for first hill session 30 min later.

Zone Summary:
Zone 1 = 66% (2 hr, 2')
Zone 2 = 15% (31')
Zone 3 = 8% (12'30")
Zone 4 = 6% (9')
Zone5a= 1% (90")
Zone5b= 1.5% (2')
Zone5c= 2.5% (3')
*Felt good, legs took 60' to loosen up. Got into Zone 5 (at and above threshold) on final climb.

Run, 5:30p: 8 miles (70') from Duniway. Ann, Rob, Erin, Chris, Andy, Matt showed. About 3 mile wu to hill off terwilliger. Hill about 90 ft ascent, 1 minute to get up. Did 8 X 1 min intervals with about 75" rest jogging down between. Legs very tired but pleasantly fatigued. Slowly worked HR up each pair of hills. 3 mile cd.
Zone summary:
Zone 1 = 82% (58')
Zone 2 = 3.5% (2'30")
Zone 3 = 2.5% (1'45")
Zone 4 = 3.7% (2'35")
Zone5a= 4.8% (3'20")
Zone5b= 3% (2')
Zone5c= .4% (15")

Intervals: 8X1min +/- 5sec. uphill. Total ascent 720 ft for hill repeats. First 4 steady, then picked it up final 20 seconds on 5-6, picked up final 25 sec. on hills 7-8.
HR specifics (This is the important info I will use to compare in upcoming weeks and intervals)
Hill 1: HR ave 129, mx 149/ end of rest HR 106
2: ave 129, mx 152/ end of rest 108
3: ave 135, mx 153/ 108
4: ave 138, mx 154/ 111
5-6: ave 138, mx 155/ 112
7-8: ave 139, mx 160/ 112

* See the pattern? Slowly progress upward into higher HR zones instead of higher HR's being at the beginning and then tapering off toward the end. This is how you train to run faster in the latter part of the race (or in IM race, train to "hang on" the latter part of the race)

Monday, February 13, 2006


Road to CDA 06: Run 4/ Swim 3400/weights

Mon 2/13
weight 167.2/ body fat 6.2%

Summary: Run 4 (27')/ swim 3400 (71')/ Weights 50'

Run 4 on TM 7 am. 7:30 pace first 1/2 mile. Then increased 15sec per mile every 1/2 mile to 3.5 miles, then 1/2 mile cd in 8 min pace. Was still in Zone 1 at 6:30 pace. Never got into Zone 4, not even at final 1/2 mile segment at 6 min pace. Finally getting into some running fitness.
Zone Summary:
Zone 1 = 63% (17:30)
Zone 2 = 23% (6:00)
Zone 3 = 12% (3:10)
Zone 4 = 1% (20")

Swim pm: 500 wu pull 7:45, Then 4 balance drills, 100 each. 100 breast cd.
Set: 24 X 100, alternated each 6 free and pull. First 12, 30 sec rest: Final 12, 20 sec. rest
First 6 free, all 121-23
Second 6 pull, all 126-28
Third 6 free, all 125-26
Final 6 pull, all 128-9
* Felt pretty good. Will be ready to progess interval length soon.

Full weight routing after. Added rows on machine, single set of 20.
Lunges: 2 X 20, 65 lbs (bar + 20)
Inner/outer thigh: 2X20(85 lb)
Single leg Ham pull: 2X20 (35 lb)
Single leg Quad: 2X20 (35 lb)
Deltoid Burners: 2X20 (10 lb)
Arm curl/tri set: 2X20 (20 lb)
Bench Fly: 2X20 (40lb)
Lat throw: 2X20 (90lb)
Lat pull down: 2X20 (80 lb)
Lat straight arm pull down: 2X20 (40lb/30lb)
Seated leg press, single leg: 2X20 (80lb)
Seated calf press, single leg: 2X20 (80lb)


Road to CDA 06: Weekly quote

"The more I speak to athletes, the more convinced I become that the method of training is relatively unimportant. There are many ways to the top, and the training method you choose is just the one that suits you best.
The important thing is the atitude of the athlete; the desire to get to the top."

(Herb Elliot, 1694)

Later, Elliot wrote:
"If you emphasize the physical side of training, you may become superbly conditioned, but mentally not advanced at all. On the other hand, if you concentrate on the mental aspect, it is inevitable that the physical side will follow."

Herb Elliot: Many think the greatest distance runner ever.
World Junior mile record of 4:04
World Junior 800m record of 1:50
World 3000m record of 14:02
(all at age 17, 1956)
In 1958, the youngest runner ever to break the 4 minute mile mark at at 19. That same year, went on to break the overall World Mile record in 3:54, age 19, Dublin Ireland.
Won Gold in the 1960 Rome Olympiad in 1500m, setting the World Record in 3:35

Sunday, February 12, 2006


Road to CDA Weekly Plan: 2/13 - 2/19

Base 3 Week 1
Total Swim = 8k, Bike = 150, Run = 44
Total w/c 2 weight sessions and 3 core.

M: Run in am: 4 miles TM, progressive pace from 7:30-6. Swim 3-4k in pm (will do 100's/50's). Core after

T: Ride in am: about 60 miles (day off), then weights. Run in pm: Start hill intervals. Will do 2 mile wu/cd: 6 X 30-45 sec uphill repeats. Goal is to reach a couple of heartbeats higher on each interval, the final one of which will be highest HR.

W: pm: Swim 2k continuous long swim. Then run 6 after

T: am: weights 45 min. pm: spin 30. Core after

F: Run 6 will do short hills again, 3 les easy first, then 8X30-45sec hill repeats, 2 mile cd.

S: Depending on weather, ride 60-80. May run long, 12 before.

S: Run in am at PRC 8 easy recovery. Swim later. May flip ride from sat and swim today depending on weather. Core before dinner.

CDA Group:
M: Swim 3k, weights/core after
T: Run6 in pm, start hill repeats.
W: Run 4 in morning, or 30 minutes. Spin 30 in p.m.
T: Swim 3k, weights/core, keep weights light! Sets of 20-25X2
F: Run 4 in morning: Run tuesday's run workout in evening.
S: Run 12, then bike 60-80
S: Run 8, then bike 40 easy, swim 2k continuous in afternoon.


Road to CDA 06: Weekly Summary 2/6 - 2/12

Weekly summary Base 2 week 4: Recovery

Total Hours = 17:11 (5 days)
S/B/R Hours = 15:41
weights/core = 1:30

Swim 4000 (1 session) Time = 1:24

Bike 147 (2 rides) Time = 10:15

Run 34 (3 runs) Time 4:02

W/C = single session of each, 60' + 30'

Need to focus more on core, need at least sessions per week. Need to try to get in 1 additional weight workout a week but not that critical as long as I do a complete full routine at least once per week.

Overall, felt like a recovery week. Did 1 key workout in each discipline. Swim 4k, run 13 and bike 104. Everything else was recovery. Feel ready to progress into Base 3. Left first toe, under nail, has been bothering me for past several rides. Need the nail to just fall off. I think there is a small blister underneath. Doesnt bother me when I run. Everything else feels good.


Road to CDA 06: Run 8/Bike 43

Sun 2/12

Summary: Run 8.5 slow (75'), then Bike 43 easy, 3 hours, 2100 ascent.

Run : With group from PRC, out to terwilliger to charthouse and back. about 8.5 miles, close to 9 min pace/mile. Recovery run. Felt totally loose and easy

Zone Summary:
Zone 1 = 93% (70')
Zone 2 = 4% (3')
Zone 3/4 = 3% (2')

10' transition, then Bike easy 43 miles with Ann, Erin, Rob, and Chris. Down trail from PRC to sellwood, over bridge and up cemetery to boonsferry. Down Tyron creek to lake O. Then out to Oregon city, along clackamas river road. Loop back to I205 trail, then down Springwater to river and back to PRC. Felt nice and easy. Recovery. Total Ascent 2100.

Zone Summary:
Zone 1 = 90% (2:44)
Zone 2 = 6% (9')
Zone 3 = 2% (3')
Zone 4/5a/5b = 2% (4')

*All workouts felt like recovery. Worked a couple of hills to tease into higher heart zones, but most of run and ride in zone 1.

Saturday, February 11, 2006


Road to CDA 06: Off

Sat 2/11:

Work 7a-7p, then on call.
Day off.

Friday, February 10, 2006


Road to CDA 06: Bike 104 (6400 ft ascent)

Fri 2/9

Summary: Bike 104, 6400 ft ascent, Time = 7:15

Legs slightly tired from 13 mile run last night, but stable.
Biked with Ann, Rob P and Dan W. Bridge of gods (the hard way-north off SR 14 from Washougal, probably adds about 1000 ft of climbing). Very strong winds. about 20 mph constant headwind with gusts to 40. Could only average about 12 mph out to bridge. At beacon rock, ann had to walk bike over ridge. I was blown across parking area and had to jump off my bike. Wind actually picked up Ann's bike off the ground, she had to pull it down by the seat. First time I have ever seen that! Didnt get to cascade locks until 4:10 into the ride.

At cascade locks, my pedal clip broke off. Had to bike the final 50 or so with left foot just resting on top of my speedplay pedal. Made the climbs tough (crown point and mt scott). Very strong winds on corner at Crown Point, blew my bike from center lane to right, and clipped guard rail with right foot. At mult. falls, Ann hit a rock and pinch flatted both tires at once. Need I say more?
This was a challenging ride. Felt like I was doing big ring work by mashing the final 2.5 hours. Still able to average about 14.5 up to womens forum on the way back though. Worked into highest HR zone on that one. Final 5 miles including final climb in the dark.

Zone Summary: Still predominately a zone 1 ride. Into Zone 2 for stretches against heavy winds. Into Zones 3-5c on the climbes.

Zone 1 = 74% (5:20)
Zone 2 = 13% (60')
Zone 3 = 5% (21')
Zone 4 = 2% (10')
Zone 5a = 1% (4')
Zone 5b = 1.3% (5'40")
Zone 5c = .5% (2'20")

*Feel good. Nice to have the first century in early february.

Thursday, February 09, 2006


Road to CDA 06: Run 13

Thurs 2/9

Summary: Run 13+ (1:42)

Ran long tonight because I work all day sat. and will be boarding at Meadows on Sunday.

Run p.m. from Duniway, up terwilliger to barber, cross barber and down to Mccadam. Into Willamette park and south on trail to Sellwood bridge. Over bridge and against strong wind back to Hawthorn bridge on springwater trail. Over hawthorn to river place and back up to track. Ran 1 mile on track easy. Averaged about 7:30-8:10/mile. HR into Zone 2 up hills.

Zone summary:
Zone 1 = 87% (1:26)
Zone 2 = 12% (14')
Zone 0= 1% (2') (HR below 84)

*Afer Run, took 20 g protein and 60 g carbo. for recovery.
*This run felt good. Nice and easy. Legs pleasantly tired but not really fatigued. Still getting stronger. Should respond well to 6 weeks of Hills.

Wednesday, February 08, 2006


Road to CDA 06: Swim 4000/Core

Wed 2/8

Summary: Swim 4k (1:24)/core 30'

500 pull wu 8:10. 4 balance drills, 100 each.

30X100 descending rest each set of 10, from 25sec, to 20, to 15 on final 10. Alternated each set of 5 Free/Pull.
All 100's 1:28-1:30 ave. time

*Arms pleasantly fatigued final 5 (pull). Tough to maintain pace on final 10 with 15 sec rest. Key was not speed, but constistency in pace. Pace only varied 2-3 seconds on each. Breath every 3rd stroke most of the time.

At home later: core for 30 min. Abs/obliques/low back/interscapulae

Tuesday, February 07, 2006


Road to CDA 06: Run 5/Run 7.5/Weights

Tues 2/7

Summary: Run 5 (35') a.m, 7 1/2 (60') p.m., weights (60')

Run 6:30 a.m. : Planned on swimming but pool closed at gym. Ran 5 on TM in 35 min. wu 7:30 first mile. Then increased pace 0.1 mph (3-4sec/mile) every 90 seconds to 31:30, final segment at 6:15 pace. then 1/2 mile cd. Ended up running about 6:45/mile average for 3.5 mile set.
No HR, forgot chest strap.

Run 5:30 p.m. : Duniway group. River loop downtown, and some on track, 60 minutes, easy to slow, abour 7.5 miles. All Zone 1. Felt fine, left front calf slightly painful from ride on sunday.

Weight routine after run with Rob and Erin P. 60 minutes.
Full routine except bench fly's.

** Felt fine on all workouts

Monday, February 06, 2006


Road to CDA: Off

Mon 2/6

Morning resting HR: 40
Weight 167.2, body fat 6.3%

Worked late. Body pretty tired. Resting.


Road to CDA 06: Weekly Quote

"Though a weak self-image is a common challange, the opposite can also occur when an athlete is subject to goal inflation regarding targets that are too challenging.

As a rule, goals should be challenging and achievable.
When an athlete is constantly falling short of his or her goals, either the goals are too challenging, or the athlete's mental skills need sharpening.

An example of this is the athlete who excels in training, only to underperform on race day."

Joe Friel
"Going Long

Workouts are not designed to prove who we are, although they can be used to find out who we are. Know who you are as an athlete, and remain focused on the long term goal. This is how improvements are made. This is how a realistic goal can ge achieved.

Sunday, February 05, 2006


Road to CDA 06: Weekly plan 2/6 - 2/12

Base 2 recovery week:

Will take 1 day off this week. CDA group, pick a day and take it off!

M = 3k swim
T = 8 easy with drills after
W = Bike 30 outside if time or on trainer.
T = Swim 3k, 6 mile TM run. Pace will start slow, but slowly progress through zones 1-4
F = Day off because of work all day saturday.
Bike70 with Ann on hills. Run short 4 mile brick after. This is the only "hard" workout this week.
S = off
S = run 12 at PRC , then hope to get up to mountain for some snowboarding by noon!

CDA Group: Do the same except I would bike on saturday...4 mile brick after (easy!) and run long on sunday. Take a day off during week. This week should feel nice and easy.


Road to CDA: Weekly Summary 1/30 - 2/5

Weekly summary Base 2, Week 3

Total Hours = 20
S/B/R Hours = 19:08
Weights/Core Minutes = 52'

Swim 9000 (3 sessions) Time 3:25

Bike172 (2 spins + 1 outside) Time 10:08, total ascent on outside ride = 5520

Run 42 (5 runs) Time 5:35

Still would like to fit in an additional weight routine a week through feb. Will have to try to find the time. Need to try to get core work in 3X per week also. Short on ride goal of 200 miles, but final ride sunday was pretty tough. Back-to-back spins at 2 and 3 hours was pretty damn tough too. Happy with second consecutive week of solid running. Hope to keep progressing.

*Notice that almost exactly 50% of my hours this week were spent in the final 2 days. This is not common in IM training. I spent the first part of the week recovering, did a mid week medium intensity workout, and spent most of the week getting ready for the long weekend workouts.


Road to CDA 06: Run 9/bike 75

Sun 2/5

Summary:" Run 9 (72') before ride. Ride 75 in 5:08. 5820 ascent. ave pace 14.6 mph.

Run with group from PRC at 8am: 9 miles up to top of mt tabor. Ascent 640 ft, worked up tabor into higher heart zones. legs pretty tired and tight on way back.
Zone Summary:
Zone 1 = 86% (61')
Zone 2 = 3.4% (2'30")
Zone 3 = 1.5% (65")
Zone 4 = 3.8% (2'40") sub-threshold
Zone 5a = 4.6% (3'15") at threshold
Zone 5b = .5% (20") VO2 mx

Bike after 60' transition from run. Grant F, Erin P and Ann. Out to springwater road to end. Then about 1/3 of way up Hillockburn road. Turned around at about 1800 ft elevation and snow on road and in trees. This road eventually drops down and crosses Clackamas river to link onto Hwy 224. Big climing though. Will save it for later.
Zone Summary:

Zone 1 = 64% (3:15)
Zone 2 = 24% (1:15)
Zone 3 = 3% (10')
Zone 4 = 3% (10')
Zone 5a = 1% (3')
Zone 0 = 5% (15') (below HR of 70)

Right medial front calf painful after ride. Iced and ace bandage. Will not bike for a few days anyway. Swim only tomarrow. Solid ride though. Biggest ride of the season so far. Grant and I pushed up a hill 410 ft and exactly 1 mile at the 60 mile point in ride. Painful!

Saturday, February 04, 2006


Road to CDA 06: Run 13/Swim 3500

Sat 2/4

Summary: Run 13 on fairmont, 1:45. Then to pool and swim 3500, 1:18

Run: Felt ok today. Legs a little fatigued but handled run fine. Zone 1 for first 6.5 miles, then Zone 2 for 3.5, back to Zone 1 final 3.

First loop (3.5 miles) with Ann, 8:45 pace Hr ave 93, mx 123
Second loop 7:30 pace, HR ave 120, mx 126
Third loop 7:15 pace, HR ave131, mx 139
2.5 mile cd with Ann, 8:30 pace. HR ave 114, mx 120

Zone Summary:
Zone 1 = 68% (1:13)
Zone 2 = 26% (28')
Zone 3 = 1.2% (1'20")
Zone 0 (HR less than 85) 5% (5')

* Felt pretty good on run. Legs "pleasantly fatigued". Cool down felt good. oOlding 7:15 pace not that easy, although could have gone faster. Goal was zone 2, not above.

Swim: 3500: 500 wu pull 8:15, then 600 of drills. 100 each of 4 balance, then 50yd each of 4 stroke.
Set 1 = 16 X 100/30 alternate each 4 free and pull. free in 1:23, pull in 1:28 ave
Set 1 = 16 X 50/1min cycle: alt each 4 free and pull buoy+ankle strap.

Felt pretty good. More balanced. Breathing every third on the 100's almost all the time now.


Road to CDA 06: Run 8 (Fri 2/3)

Fri 2/3

Summary: Run 8+ easy, 62 min

Ran on river trail out and back. Legs mildly tired but slowly loosened up. Felt pretty good final 30 min. Pace varied from 7:20-8

Zone Summary:

Zone 1 = 93% (58')
Zone 2 = 7% (4')
* Legs somewhat tight, but stable. Loosened up throughout run. Felt fine at end. Not alot of bounce to my step though.

Thursday, February 02, 2006


Road to CDA 06 Bike 58/Swim 3500

Thurs 2/2

Summary: Bike on power trainer 3 hours. Watts varied from 200-300 final 2 hours. Shredded legs: very tired and dead at end of spin. Then 100g carbs+30g protein drink. To pool to do 3500 in 80 min.

Spin: 180W first hour, then 210 second hour, 250-300 third hour. Final 10 min, had to drop watts to 100 spin lightly because legs totally drained. About 58 miles.

Swim: After spin, drove to pool. 500 wu in 7:45/100cd mixed stroke. 400 of drills after wu. Did 100 each of the 4 main balance drills.

Set 1 = 2 X 200/30, 4 X 100/30: 200's in 2:50/2:52, 100's in 1:21-23
Set 2 = Same as above with pull bouy. 200's in 2:56/58, 100's in 1:28-30
Set 3 = 20 X 50/1min cycle. Breathing drills up to every 6th breath (sets of 5) (2,3,4,5,6)

*Pretty good swim considering legs dead off bike. Getting faster and feel more balanced then last year. Last season, my pulls were always as fast or faster than my free style, which means I had a big balance problem. Now my pulls are slower than my free, so I think my balance has improved.

Wednesday, February 01, 2006


Road to CDA 06: Bike 38

Wed 2/1

Summary: Bike 2 hours on trainer, 38 miles

Spin on power traininer to Kona 1991. First 20 min 180W, next 10 min 200W.
Then 45 min 250 W, 95 rpm. Then 45 min 200W for cool down.

Zone Summary:

Zone 1 = 99% (1:59)
Zone 2 = 1% (1')

* Tough spin. Wanted to stop at 30, then after 1 hour. Promised myself I'd stop if I made it to 90 min. At that point, I knew I could go the extra 30 min.

Sometimes you have to set short interval workout goals and lie to yourself to get through a workout.

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  • Week of June 26-July 2
  • Drove the coastal Hwy to Florence
  • Mountain biked in Sunriver/Bend
  • White water rafted Deschuttes in Maupin
  • Summitted Mt Adams, 12,276 ft, 7000 ft climb
  • Ate alot, kept alcohol drinking down
  • Time to get ready for the big one
  • Goals need justification
  • Goals need emotional attachment
  • Goals must be achievable
  • Goals need a path: Not necessarily the exact path,
  • just a path...a means to an end
  • >Visualize. Believe. Its in you.