Saturday, February 18, 2006
Road to CDA 06: Run 15/Swim 4000
Sat 1/18
Summary: Run in a.m. 15 (2:01), Swim 4000 (1:24)
Run: 15 at Forest park with Rob, Erin and Ann. Nice and easy, predominately zone 1. Didnt plan on running long but the day worked out that way. 30 degrees and windy, so had to change things around. Will bike tomarrow, supposed to be high 45 and lighter winds.
Zone Summary:
Zone 1 = 93% (1:53)
Zone 2 = 7% (8')
3 hour rest, then swim 4000
Swim: 500 pull wu + 400 drills (4 balance drills, 100 each). for cd, 400 easy pull.
Set 1: 2 X 150/40, 3 X 100/30, 6 X 50/20
Set 2: 2 x 150/30, 3 x 100/20, 6 X 50/10
Set 3: Repeat Set 1
Set 1 150's in 2:10, 100's in 1:25, 50's in 40
Set 2 150's in 2:12, 100's in 1:27, 50's in 42
Set 3 150's in 2:15, 100's in 1:27/28, 50's in 42 first 3, 45 final 3 (crashed)
*Felt good on first set, and second set through 100's. What hurt is the sets were contiguous, so on the final 50 of set 2, I only had 10 sec rest to start set 3. That put me behind and I slowly crashed down. Still breathing every 3rd most of the time (>90%), and am starting to approach my times from this time last season. That's a positive direction compared to Kona 05 when I tried breathing every third for the first time.
Summary: Run in a.m. 15 (2:01), Swim 4000 (1:24)
Run: 15 at Forest park with Rob, Erin and Ann. Nice and easy, predominately zone 1. Didnt plan on running long but the day worked out that way. 30 degrees and windy, so had to change things around. Will bike tomarrow, supposed to be high 45 and lighter winds.
Zone Summary:
Zone 1 = 93% (1:53)
Zone 2 = 7% (8')
3 hour rest, then swim 4000
Swim: 500 pull wu + 400 drills (4 balance drills, 100 each). for cd, 400 easy pull.
Set 1: 2 X 150/40, 3 X 100/30, 6 X 50/20
Set 2: 2 x 150/30, 3 x 100/20, 6 X 50/10
Set 3: Repeat Set 1
Set 1 150's in 2:10, 100's in 1:25, 50's in 40
Set 2 150's in 2:12, 100's in 1:27, 50's in 42
Set 3 150's in 2:15, 100's in 1:27/28, 50's in 42 first 3, 45 final 3 (crashed)
*Felt good on first set, and second set through 100's. What hurt is the sets were contiguous, so on the final 50 of set 2, I only had 10 sec rest to start set 3. That put me behind and I slowly crashed down. Still breathing every 3rd most of the time (>90%), and am starting to approach my times from this time last season. That's a positive direction compared to Kona 05 when I tried breathing every third for the first time.