Wednesday, February 01, 2006
Road to CDA 06: Bike 38
Wed 2/1
Summary: Bike 2 hours on trainer, 38 miles
Spin on power traininer to Kona 1991. First 20 min 180W, next 10 min 200W.
Then 45 min 250 W, 95 rpm. Then 45 min 200W for cool down.
Zone Summary:
Zone 1 = 99% (1:59)
Zone 2 = 1% (1')
* Tough spin. Wanted to stop at 30, then after 1 hour. Promised myself I'd stop if I made it to 90 min. At that point, I knew I could go the extra 30 min.
Sometimes you have to set short interval workout goals and lie to yourself to get through a workout.
Summary: Bike 2 hours on trainer, 38 miles
Spin on power traininer to Kona 1991. First 20 min 180W, next 10 min 200W.
Then 45 min 250 W, 95 rpm. Then 45 min 200W for cool down.
Zone Summary:
Zone 1 = 99% (1:59)
Zone 2 = 1% (1')
* Tough spin. Wanted to stop at 30, then after 1 hour. Promised myself I'd stop if I made it to 90 min. At that point, I knew I could go the extra 30 min.
Sometimes you have to set short interval workout goals and lie to yourself to get through a workout.