Tuesday, February 28, 2006
Road to CDA 06: Bike 122
Tues 2/28
Summary: Bike 122 (8:35)/ 11,240 ft Ascent
Road with Ann for first 60 miles, 4 hours, ave 15 mph. Climbed 3300 ft. Thunderstormed on twice, had to pull over once for shelter because of lightning. After dropping off Ann, turned into Gorge and started the second 1/2 of my ride. Rode another 62 miles, and climbed an additional 8000 ft. Got thunderstormed on 2 more times. Very violent storms, black skies, ect. A little worried at times but couldnt stop because I knew I would be biking out of the gorge in the dark as it was. I pushed the first 5000 ft ascent in the first 30 miles, and legs died out. Metabolically, I felt fine, just no leg strength. The only descents on the way out were against a 30 mph headwind, max speed of 20 in big ring. On the way back, storms moved through and I had no tail wind that I had counted on! Got to top of gorge (final climb of 1100 ft) and realized I was going to be 5 miles short of 120, so I turned and dropped right back in for another climb. That hurt.
Zone Summary:
Zone 0 = 7.8% (40')
Zone 1 = 57% (4:55)(compare to saturday's ride)
Zone 2 = 14.2% (1:14)
Zone 3 = 13.4% (1:09)
Zone 4 = 6.7% (34'45")
Zone5a= .7% (3'40")
* Zone 0 and 1 almost entirely on ride with Ann, first 4 hours. Most of my second 1/2 or ride was in Zones 2-4. Worked the hills pretty hard first 8000 ft until legs had nothing left, then worked another 3000 ft.
*Plan on another 120+ ride tomarrow. The first part of the 5 day block was to get prepared for these final 2 days. With a day to go, just over 30,000 ft climbing in 4 days.
*Breakfast: 3 Slices french toast, 3 scrambled eggs
*Ride: 2 X 30 oz water bottles, each with 160g maltodextrin + 1 scoop endurolytes, pinch of lemon crystal-light for flavor. Started the carb's at 4 hours, then had bottles marked off every 6 oz, each 6 0z portion of which contains 26g carbs. Took 6 oz every 20-30 minutes + extra water as needed. Ate 1 lemon cliff bar at 3 hours.
Post ride: 20 grams protein + 80g carbo's.
Dinner: big plate of pasta, added 5 scallops for some protein.
Summary: Bike 122 (8:35)/ 11,240 ft Ascent
Road with Ann for first 60 miles, 4 hours, ave 15 mph. Climbed 3300 ft. Thunderstormed on twice, had to pull over once for shelter because of lightning. After dropping off Ann, turned into Gorge and started the second 1/2 of my ride. Rode another 62 miles, and climbed an additional 8000 ft. Got thunderstormed on 2 more times. Very violent storms, black skies, ect. A little worried at times but couldnt stop because I knew I would be biking out of the gorge in the dark as it was. I pushed the first 5000 ft ascent in the first 30 miles, and legs died out. Metabolically, I felt fine, just no leg strength. The only descents on the way out were against a 30 mph headwind, max speed of 20 in big ring. On the way back, storms moved through and I had no tail wind that I had counted on! Got to top of gorge (final climb of 1100 ft) and realized I was going to be 5 miles short of 120, so I turned and dropped right back in for another climb. That hurt.
Zone Summary:
Zone 0 = 7.8% (40')
Zone 1 = 57% (4:55)(compare to saturday's ride)
Zone 2 = 14.2% (1:14)
Zone 3 = 13.4% (1:09)
Zone 4 = 6.7% (34'45")
Zone5a= .7% (3'40")
* Zone 0 and 1 almost entirely on ride with Ann, first 4 hours. Most of my second 1/2 or ride was in Zones 2-4. Worked the hills pretty hard first 8000 ft until legs had nothing left, then worked another 3000 ft.
*Plan on another 120+ ride tomarrow. The first part of the 5 day block was to get prepared for these final 2 days. With a day to go, just over 30,000 ft climbing in 4 days.
*Breakfast: 3 Slices french toast, 3 scrambled eggs
*Ride: 2 X 30 oz water bottles, each with 160g maltodextrin + 1 scoop endurolytes, pinch of lemon crystal-light for flavor. Started the carb's at 4 hours, then had bottles marked off every 6 oz, each 6 0z portion of which contains 26g carbs. Took 6 oz every 20-30 minutes + extra water as needed. Ate 1 lemon cliff bar at 3 hours.
Post ride: 20 grams protein + 80g carbo's.
Dinner: big plate of pasta, added 5 scallops for some protein.