Sunday, April 30, 2006


Road to CDA 06: Weekly Summary (4/24-4/30)

Weekly summary, 4/24 - 4/30
Build 2, Recovery (recovered first 5 days of week)

Total Hours = 16:03 (50% of hours the final 2 days)
S/B/R Hours = 16:03

Swim = 9000 (2 sessions) Time 2:53
Bike = 158 (3 rides) Time 9:06
Run = 38 (4 runs) Time 4:04

*Not getting in a weight session not too much of a worry for me at this point. I am dissapointed that I couldnt sqeeze in a core or 2 this week.
*Picked up running hours this week, while pulled back cycling hours.


Road to CDA 06: Bike 107

Sun 4/30

Summary: Bike 107 (6 hours, 3400 ascent)

Dan W, Jesse L, John P, Erin, Rob, Hannes, Ann, Kelly H showed

Spin out 20 miles south of Canby. Did 3 X 60 min TT intervals. First 40 min at Zone 1/2, final 20 min Zone 2/3. Should have been near or at IM pace for first 40 min, and above IM pace final 20. Wind was a factor. Third repeat was almost entirely against a 15-20 mph headwind for about 20 miles. Quite a bit of 180 degree turn-arounds on first 2 which slowed the ave pace down. About a 12 min rest between each interval. 20 mile cooldown.

TT 1 = ave 22.2 mph/HR ave 116/HR max 141/ascent 440 ft
TT 2 = 22.7/118/134/420 ft
TT 3 = 20.9/130/151/480 ft (ave speed slowest, HR the highest...wind!)

*This was probably the second most difficult workout of the season, after the big brick a few weeks ago. Total of 66 miles of intervals thrown into the middle of 107 mile ride.
*Legs pleasantly fatigued but not maxed out and no bonk. Felt strong all the way to the finish.

Saturday, April 29, 2006


Road to CDA 06: Run 20

Sat 4/29

Summary: Run 20 (2:40)

Ran at forest park with group. Good consistent run. 8 min pace mostly. A few slightly faster, a few slower. 7:45-7:30 pace final 4 miles.

All Zone 1 HR

*Right hamstring stable. Tight final 6 miles but no worse. No other problems. This injury should be resloved by our big bike week starting next weekend.

*Took 25 grams maltodextrin in 3 oz water starting at th 1 hour mark, every 20 minutes thereafter to 2:20. After, 25 grams protein + 75 grams maltodextrin recovery drink.

Friday, April 28, 2006


Road to CDA 06: Run 4.5/Bike 25

Fri 4/28

Summary: Run in a.m. 4.5 (36')/ Bike 25 (1:40) in p.m.

Easy run in morning with Ann. Ran down hill, then up 325 stairs back up.

In afternoon, bike easy 25 miles. Climbed 2100 ft. On corridor along river, did 4 X 90 sec. cadence intervals in 39/16 in final 5 miles. Kept cadence 110 and rest at 90 sec. Pretty tired and hungry on ride. Ate light today since its my second day of minimal workouts.

Thursday, April 27, 2006


Road to CDA 06: Swim 4000

Thurs 4/27

Summary: Swim 3500 (1:18)

Forgot I had to give oncology conference at 7am. No run. Will run tomarrow a.m.

500 pull wu/500 pull cd
1 X 200 (3 min)
3 X 100/20 (1'25")
1 min rest
50 X 50 on 1 min cycle. Most in 38-41"
Numbers 10-20 and 30-40 used ankle strap and pull buoy. These were tough, 45 sec.

Felt ok...somewhat tired. Shorter distance helped.

Wednesday, April 26, 2006


Road to CDA 06: Run 3.5/Bike 26

Wed 4/26

Summary: Run in a.m. 3.5+ (30')/Bike 26 (1:26)

Run: 6am, 30 min slow-easy, Zone 1.

Bike: 6pm, Sauvie island TT intervals: 9 people in group. Garren and Grant very strong, I had trouble keeping up.

1 lap wu easy, 12 miles. Then 4 X 5 min intervals, 3 min rest between. Goal was first 3 min at IM pace to 2 mph above. Then up 1 gear for a minute, up 1 more gear for final minute to end up 4-5 mph above IM pace.

TT intervals:
1 = 22.8 mph ave/HR ave 114/HR max 126/ HR at end of rest 87
2 = 24.1/127/137/90 (HR ave in Zone 3)
3 = 24.7/136/145/101 (HR ave Zone 4)
4 = 26.5/138/143/93 (HR ave Zone 4)

Zone Summary:
Zone 0 = 2% (2')
Zone 1 = 77% (1:05)
Zone 2 = 4% (3'30")
Zone 3 = 5% (4'30")
Zone 4 = 10% (9')
Zone 5a= 2% (2')

* Good workout to open up legs. Strong but short.

Tuesday, April 25, 2006


Road to CDA 06: Run 10

Tues 4/25

Summary: 10 miles (78'; 480 ft ascent)
Solid group, Ann, Erin, Rob, Andy, Grant

2 mile wu/2 cd
6 mile tempo run on fairmont. Goal high Zone 3 and Zone 4 for first 4, then Zone 5 for final 2

Zone Summary entire workout
Zone 1 = 50% (39') (wu/cd)
Zone 2 = 5% (4')
Zone 3 = 10% (8')
Zone 4 = 12.5% (10')
Zone5a= 11% (9')
Zone5b= 9% (8')

First 3.5 miles in Zone 3 and 4, final 2.5 miles in Zones 5a/b (17 min at and above threshold).
Total time for 6 = 38:40, with final mile of 6:05. First 4 in 6:30 ave, and 5th (uphill entire mile) in 6:35
*High right hamstring still has sore spot but overall, very happy with run. Solid HR run, pace doesnt matter too much at this point with the rolling terrain.

Monday, April 24, 2006


Road to CDA 06: Swim 5000

Mon 4/24

Waking HR 38, body weight 159.4, body fat 4.8%

Summary: Swim 5000 (1:35). Very hard to stay off bike today. 70 degrees, sunny and I had the day off. Almost just as much work to rest than it is to complete workouts sometimes. Need to keep the big picture in focus.

500 wu pull. 400 of drills. 200 balance, 200 stroke.
2 X 500 (both in 8')
1 X 1000 (16')
1 X 1500 (24')
all with 30 sec. rest between.
1 min rest
10 X 50/1 min cycle. Pull. Breathed every other on "weak" side (to left)
100 cd breast.

*Tough mentally to progress upward in distance as to the usual descent. Told myself I would just do a final 500 on the 1500. Then..."well, its only 8 minutes, I'll continue to 1000". When I got to 1000, arms and lats pretty tired, I figured I would just finish the damn thing at 1500. I lie to myself alot in workouts...somehow I always believe it. Its gets me through. If I were having a horrible swim, and not maintaining 8 min pace/500, I would have stopped.


Road to CDA 06: Weekly Quote: Overtraining

"Overtraining is the biggest problem incurred by runners who lack the experience or discipline to cope with their own enthusiasm."

Marty Liquori

Sunday, April 23, 2006


Road to CDA 06: Weekly Plan (4/24 - 4/30) Time to Rest

Weekly Plan for 4/24 - 4/30
Build 2 recovery (recovery type workouts for 5 days)

M = Swim 3500-5000: 500 wu, 300 drills, then 2 x 500/30, 1000/30, 1500: 200 cd (CDA group, consider, 500 wu, 300 drills, 1000/30, 2 X 500/30, with 200 cd mixed stroke

T = Speedwork at fairmont: CDA group will run 6 mile tempo run around 1/2 marathon pace. In zones 3-5 for first 4 miles, final 2 miles in zone 5a. I may alternate each 800 at tempo pace, then pull back to zone 2 for 800, ect so as to not to stress hamstrings too much.

W = morning 30 min run...slow+ 15-30 min abs/low back core. Afternoon TT intervals at Sauvie. This will be a shorter workout than usual. 1 lap warmp up (12 miles) then 4 X 5 min TT with 3 min rest spin. easy cd.

T = morning 4 mile run...slow.
Afternoon, swim 3k: 500 wu+ 100 kick board, 10X100/30, 3X200/40, 12X50/15, 200 mixed stroke cd. Weight session, light and high reps, 2 sets of 20 on each.

F = morning 30 min abs/low back core. Afternoon, spin easy 90 minutes with 4 X 90 second cadence intervals (keep cadence 100-110) in the final 15 minutes (take 90 seconds equal rest between)
S= Long run 18-20
S = Long ride 100-110 easy group ride with hills.


Road to CDA 06: Weekly Summary (4/17 - 4/23) Getting Stronger

Week of 4/17 - 4/23
Build 2 Week 3

Total Time = 26:06

S/B/R Hours = 25:01

Swim 11,600 (3 sessions) Time 3:34
Bike 272 miles (5 rides) Time 17:57. Total ascent 18,400 ft
Run 26 miles (3 runs) Time 3:30
core = 1:15

*This was a solid week. 7 days of workouts. Had 3 key rides, 1 key run and 2 key swims. This is the most consistent, strongest week of this season that includes all 3 disciplines.

*The single most important factor in my progression this season is my pre-season base, and my weight. I am training at 8 lbs less than I did on average last season. I am probably 5 lbs from being too thin for risk of losing strength. I think hovering around 157-162 my best range. Last year, I ranged from 165-170. Typically 165 going into taper, and 172 on race day. This year I expect to go into taper 157-8, and 163-5 on race day.

*Injuries are stable, slowly getting better. I am approaching these "nagging" injuries by training through but carefully monitoring. I could take 10 straight days off as an alternative, but I would rather train on them for 3 weeks as they slowly get better. I have done this many times in marathoning. You have to be very careful with this approach, you can lose more than you gain if you blow up in a single workout by pushing too hard.


Road to CDA 06: Run 10/Bike 30/core 30

Sun 4/23

Summary: Run 10+ miles (1:22)/ Bike 30 (2:30/ascent 2000 ft)

Dan W, Hannes, Rob, Erin and Ann showed for run and bike. This is a great group. We are all getting stronger.

Run 8am from PRC downtown. 8-9 min/mile pace. Rest of the group ran 13-14 but needed to take it easy on achilles and hamstrings. I got in 3 solid runs this week and am stable. This run was predominately easy, except we climbe to top to Mt Tabor, ascent 660 ft.
Zone 1 = 97%
Zones 2/3 = 3%

20 min transition to bike. Easy ride, and climbed several moderate hills staying in zone 3 or below. Most of ride was in zone 1 recovery. Total ascent 2000 ft
Zone 0 = 15% (HR below 70)
Zone 1 = 75% (active recovery HR 70-115)
Zone 2 = 8% (IM bike pace HR 116-127)
Zone 3/4 = 2%

Nice recovery ride on flats, worked the hills a little to open up and clear out the legs.
Late afternoon: 30 min pilates core

Saturday, April 22, 2006


Road to CDA 06: Swim 3000/Bike 84

Sat 4/22

Summary: Swim 3000 (54')/Bike 84 (5:04/5100ascent)

Swim: 500 wu 8:05, 500 cd 7:35
5 X 200/40 2:55
1 min rest
10 X 100/20 att 1:24-25

20 min transition to bike
Ann, Rob, Erin, Dan W, Dave K all showed

Bike from pool out to Haag lake, loop around lake, then up steep route west side of Bald Peak, to summit, then back roads on way home.
Did Haag lake loop in 28:10, in aero position entire way, in 54 chain ring. Speed average 21.6, ascent of 700 ft.
Worked bald peak climb in Zone 5b and Zone 5c most of climb to top (1400 ascent)
*ave 16.4 for ride, was 17.6 until big bald peak climb. Average grade for 3 miles 9%

Zone Summary:
Zone 1 = 3:40 (active recovery 70-115 HR)
Zone 2 = 23' (IM pace, 116-127 HR)
Zone 3 = 15' (1/2 IM pace, 128-135 HR)
Zone 4 = 22' (sub-threshold: 136-144 HR)
Zone 5a= 6' (at threshold 145-148 HR)
Zone5b= 8' (VO2 max phase, 5 beats above anaerobic threshold)
Zone5c= 8' (lactate phase, 10 beats above anaerobic threshold)
*This is the most minutes I have spent at and above threshold (Zone 5) in a workout so far this season.

Friday, April 21, 2006


Road to CDA 06: Bike 30

Fri 4/21

Summary: Bike 30 (2 hours/ 1500 ascent)

HR predominately zone 0 and 1, active recovery.

HR at one point on a downhill dropped to 46....I'm getting in shape

Thursday, April 20, 2006


Road to CDA 06: Swim 3600/Run 10

Thurs 4/20

Summary: Swim 3600 (65'), then Run 10 (speedwork, 78')

Swim at noon: 500 pull warm up
31 X 100/20 (30 goal...lost count)
First 5 in 1:28, next 25 in 1:24-25

No cd, had to meet Ann to run speedwork. 30 min transition from swim to run.
*Compared to March 11th 30 X 100 workout, I dropped 10 seconds each on the rest (30 to 20) and on previous workout I had to pull half of the 100's. Times are the same today.

Run: Speedwork at Fairmont (rolling mild-moderate hills)
2 mile wu/ 0.5 mile cd
2 X 3 X 2 mile repeats with 400 slow jog rest between in 2:30

First 2 miler in 13:45 (more down than up)
3 miler in 21:20 (slightly more uphill than down)
Final 2 miler in 14:10 (more uphill then down)

Zone Summary
Zone 1 = 43 %
Zone 2 = 40%
Zone 3 = 17%

*Achilles pain free. Hamstrings a little tight, but much improved since sunday. Kept pace with Ann which was good for me as 7 min pace was Zone 2 and 3 for me because of my lack of runnning fitness. Happy with workout...feels damn good to be running something besides 8-8:30 pace.

Wednesday, April 19, 2006


Road to CDA 06: Run 6/Bike 66 (5100)

Wed 4/19

Summary: Run 6 (50 min, 900 ft ascent), then Bike 66 (4:15, 5100 ascent)

6:30 a.m. Run 50 min, 6+ miles. Ascent 900 ft. Dropped down Mt Scott a couple of times ti increas my HR. Jogging 8:15 pace with a HR of 82 just doesn't cut it. That'a pretty low, even for a recovery run.
Zone Summary:
Zone 0 = 17% (8:30)
Zone 1 = 61% (30:30)
Zone 2 = 15% (7:30)
Zone 3 = 6.5% (3:15)
Zone 4 = .5 % (:15)
*Hamstrings a little tight but stable and improved. Left Soleus and right achilles pain free.

Bike 66 (4:15), 5100 ascent, most of the ascent in final 45 miles. Another climb fest.
Tough ride, alot of climbing again. Very close to bonking before final 2 climbs. Made it, but it was not easy getting up Mt Scott at the end. Legs pretty much drained. Climbed 3 significant grades, all over 10% for more than 5 minutes. One at 13% for 0.4 miles was one of the steepest I have biked. The second at 11% for a mile was tough. Of course the final 9% for 2 miles up to home.

Zone Summary
Zone 0 = 3% (7')
Zone 1 = 70% (3 hours)
Zone 2 = 15% (37')
Zone 3 = 7% (18')
Zone 4 = 4.3% (11')
Zone 5a= 1% (2'30")

Tuesday, April 18, 2006


Road to CDA 06: core/bike 62 (6300)

Tues 4/18

Summary: Core pilates 35'/Bike 62 (4:08, 6300 ascent)

35 min of pilates abs/low back

Then Bike Hills, climb fest. 62 miles, 6300 ascent. Climbed Logie from Hwy 30 and West Thompson in aero position entire way. Calculated average grade up Logie, 9% for 2.50 miles

Zone Summary:
Zone 1 = 62%
Zone 2 = 17%
Zone 3 = 12%
Zone 4 = 9% (sub threshold)

Felt recovered on bike. May try to run slow in a.m. Hamstrings a little tight but much better overall.

Monday, April 17, 2006


Road to CDA 06: Swim 5000

Mon 4/17
Weight 161.6, body fat 4.2%, waking HR 38

Summary: Swim 5000 (1:35)

500 pull wu
350 of mixed balance/stroke drills

2 X 1000/45, 1:35/100 pace on each (15:50 on both)
2X 500/30, 1:33/100 pace (7:45 on both)
1 min rest
10 X 100/20, did 4 in 1:25, 5 in 1:24, 1 in 1:23

150 mixed stroke cd.


Road to CDA 06: Weekly Plan (4/17 - 4/23) Time for a big week

Weekly plan 4/17 - 4/23
Build 2 Week 3
Will be a recovery week the first 2 days to some extent for CDA group
I work nights all week, 4-10p so will have more time in the day.

Monday: Swim 3-4K, longer intervals: 1000/500's, 100 pace of 1:30-35(cda group same)
Tues: Abs core in am, then ride 60 easy (cda group ride 30 miles easy stay Zone 1)
Wed: am ride 4 hours, 60 is goal will do loop on sauvie, 10 mile TT IM pace (cda group long TT at sauvie. This will be modest pace, IM pace for 10 miles. Do 12 mile wu and 8 mile cd for 30 total)

Thurs: am 30 min core, then easy run 6 miles, then swim 4k, shorter speed work (cda group am swim 2K short 100's - 50's: pm run fairmont speed work. 2 mile wu/1 cd: 2 X 3 X 2 mile with 2:30 slow 400 jog between)

Fri: am weight session, then easy run 4 miles , ride 40 with some hills. Drive to Sunriver after work? (cda group am 4-6 miles slow, pm swim 3k with some mixed intervals 200's/300's/100: Then weight session)

Sat: Run easy 12 miles (cda group run 16) Then bike 80 easy

Sun: Bike 80: 30 easy, then 3 X 30 min IM pace TT intervals. Will be IM pace to 1-1.5 mph slower, no faster. Spin easy 10 min between. 15 mile cd. (cda group same)

* Weekend workout may change depending on progression during week.


Road to CDA 06: Weekly quote 4/17/06: Sprinters and mountains don't mix

"Today is one of those days that I can't stand, and I ask myself...look at this shit!
Oh la la
Why didnt I become a surfer."

Eric Zabel
looking at the course map before the second stage in the Pyrenees
2003 tour de France, "Hell on Wheels"

Sunday, April 16, 2006


Road to CDA 06: Weekly Summary (4/10 - 4/16) Progressing status quo

Weekly Summary for 4/10 - 4/16
Build 2 Week 2
Total Hours = 20:21 (6 days)

S/B/R Hours = 19:19 (6 days)
weights/core = 1:12

Swim = 12000 (yards: 3 sessions) Time 3:50
Bike = 160 (2 rides + brick) Time 9:40
Run = 33 (5 runs + brick) Time 5:04 + 35' elliptical

*This was a good building week. Will get more miles on the bike next week and pull back the run a bit depending on legs. Hamstrings both sore from brick but just muscular. This will improve. Both other injuries are pain free.


Road to CDA 06: day off

Sunday 4/16

Worked from 7a-noon

Body tired as expected. Spinning for an hour vs taking in hot tub massage. I will take the hot tub.

Saturday, April 15, 2006


Road to CDA 06: Big Brick # 1: Bike 77, Run 19

Sat 4/15

Summary: Big Brick workout, 6 hours 40 minutes: total biking 77 miles, running 19 miles
Rob, Erin, Ann, Hannes, Dan W, Garren showed. We all drove west through cascades in hopes to get away from Portland rain and wind. Beautiful day, no rain and finished final 2 hours in sunshine.

Run 1:01 (7+ miles)
14 min transition
Bike 2:02 group ride (36 miles)
7 min transition
Run 1:01 (8+ miles)
14 min transitoin
Bike 2:04 time trial (41 miles)
6 min transiton
Run 32 minutes ( 4 miles)

Smooth pace first run and bike. First run ave about 8:15-30 pace. First bike ave 18 mph.
Second run faster, several miles 7:30-7:00 pace.
Second bike worked hard. ave 19 mph out to turn around, rolling uphill. 21 ave on way back with very strong head wind, 20-30 mph constant for final 18 miles. Very tough return.
Third run, blur as usual...out 16 min 30 sec, and neg split on way back.

*Seeing Hannes, Erin, Ann and Rob finish out those last 4 miles after over 6 hours of work was inspirational...rewarding. It's all about pace and patience. They are on their way.

Left Soleus pain free. Right achilles sore, 2/5 pain the entire workout from the first run. Stable though so I kept going. I moved my seat further back 5mm before workout which helped. My seat is now 1.5 cm more back than when I first road the bike. I am still about 1.5 cm more forward than on my Guru. Pushed HR on second bike, mostly in 130's, which is 1/2 Ironman pace or slightly faster. Pushed final 15 min. of second run, HR at 148-152 (at anaerobic threshold)
Zone Details
Run 1 = HR ave 108, max 117 (Zone 1 ) : pace 8:10-30/7+ miles
Bike 1 = HR ave 105, max 109 (Zone 1): pace ave 18.1 mph/36 miles/ ascent1400 ft
Run 2 = HR ave 133, max 153 (in Zones 2-5a): pace 6:50-8:00/8+ miles
Bike 2 = HR ave 131, max 150 (in Zones 2-5b): pace ave 20.0/41 mph/ascent 1600 ft
Run 3 = HR ave 127, max 132 (Zones 1-2): pace ave 7:50-8:20/4 miles

Zone summary for entire brick: (Total time 7:22 with transitions)
Zone 1 = 44% (3:15)
Zone 2 = 18% (1:20)
Zone 3 = 24% (1:46)
Zone 4 = 10.6% (47')
Zone 5a-c = 3.4% (15')

*Right hamstring tight from not running long. I've dealt with this many times over the years. Benefits of completing this workout far outweigh 2-3 days of muscular tightness. Important thing is my right soleus pain free, and left achilles only minimal, but never worsened. I thinkthis is because I backed seat up another 5mm which I think will be my final position.

*This workout in one of those several to come in the next 7 weeks. The final run very important as it closely simulates race conditions the final 10k in the IM. Becoming comfortable with this amount of suffering is vital to how the final miles are handled on race day. It will not be such a shock mentally when running on completely numb legs that final hour, while still maintaining pace.

Stopped at microbrewery on way home. Big hamburgers and beer (after our recovery drinks!)

Friday, April 14, 2006


Road to CDA 06: Core/Run 4/Swim 5000

Fri 4/14

Summary: Core in a.m. (30')/ Run 4 (32')/ Swim 5000 (90')

6:30 am, Pilates Abs and low back for 30 minutes.

6p.m.: Run 4 on TM at gym. Right achilles slightly sore but ok. Ran first mile 8:30, second at 8, third at 7:45. Got tired of Heartrate at 102 so picked up to 7:30 for final mile. This took my HR to 108. All low level 1.

Swim: 500 pull warm up and cooldown, both in 8:15

20 X 200 on 3:30 cycle (total time 70 min)
All in 2:58-3:02

Final 2 got a little tough to maintain. Swam over some idiot who jumped in my side and swam toward me on the final 200. My forward hand perfect position on top of his head as I pushed it down and swam right over him. Next lap he was in the next lane.

Thursday, April 13, 2006


Road to CDA 06: run 3.5/Bike 54

Thurs 4/13

Summary: Run 3.5 (31'), then bike 54 (3:45, 3700 Ascent)

Run 31 min with Ann. No pain. about 3.5 miles, ann ran 60 min.

30 min Transition to bikes. Rode out toward Estacada and checked out some new cool roads. Out to Eagle Fern park, in Eagle creek. Some big climbs but kept HR Zone 1 and 2 entire ride. Right Achilles sore during bike ride, I am sure its my position which is so forward. I backed my seat 5mm, changed back to 90 mm stem, flipped stem so its 6 degrees downward, and put in a 5mm spacer.
I think I am staying with this position...I pretty damn low. I may pull out the 5mm spacer in time but I feel pretty good now. I am flat and very slightly angled down. Right knee slightly swings out on upstroke, 12 o'clock position so I have to keep an eye on it until I adapt.

Climbed Mt Scott at end in aerobars the entire time. (800 feet over 2 miles)

Wednesday, April 12, 2006


Road to CDA 06: Run 3/Bike 29

Wed 4/12

Summary: Run 3 in a.m. (26'), Bike 28 p.m.(1:40)

Run 6:30 am, slow 26 minutes. Pain free

Bike 6pm: Sauvie TT intervals. 12 mile wu, 6 X 5' with 3' slow spin rest. Wind against for # 1,2,5
1 = 22.2 mph/HR ave 122/max 131/end of rest 82
2 = 23.1/136/145/91
3 = 24.1/135/149/95
4 = 26.8/140/152/96
5 = 20.3/141/157/91
6 = 27.2/145/153/96
* 5th one was tough, straight into headwind entire interval.
*legs stable, strong but a little tired.

Zone summary:
Zone 1 = 66% (1:07)
Zone 2 = 5.7% (5'40")
Zone 3 = 6.4% (6'25")
Zone 4 = 9.7% (9'45")
Zone 5a= 6.3%(6'20")
Zone5b=4% (4')
Zone5c=1% (1')
*I could never reach these higher zones last season. Peak was usually around 148. Almost 12 minutes at and above threshold. I am handling lactate much better than last summer. Limited mostly by breathing/cardio rather than legs burning like last season.

Tuesday, April 11, 2006


Road to CDA 06: Weights/Run 3/Swim 1500

Tues 4/11

Summary: Weights 42 min (full series)/Run 3 miles TM (26 min), Swim 1500 (30')

Weights: 42 min: Did full set, upper body and legs

Run: 3+ miles on Treadmill. 8:30 pace whole run. After 5 min, inc. grade to 5% and held for 10 minutes, then inc. to 8% to get HR to Zone 4 (sub threshold). Then backed off incline to 5-6% to maintain HR in Zone 4 for next 10 minutes. 6 min cool down. Injuries pain free.
HR Zone Summary
Zone 1 = 23% (6')
Zone 2 = 30% (8')
Zone 3 = 17% (4'30")
Zone 4 = 28% (7')
Zone 5a= 2% (30")

Then cooled off in pool. 1500 yd. 500 warm up in 7:30, then:
5 X 100/30: 1:19,19,19,18 ( first workout with all 100's under 1:20)
500 mixed stroke cooldown, mostly freestyle.
*Felt good considering 5000m yesterday, and 12 sets of different arm/shoulder weights before.

*Made a major change in stroke last saturday. As I am entering water, never fully extending arm, then allowing my hand to glide to the outside about 6 inches. Then I pull through straight to my hip, without ever coming across my body. Before, I was entering too wide and pulling toward my body, and when tired, crossing midline. Entering slightly beyond shoulder, letting hand glide slightly out is preventing me from doing this. (I noticed this is a video showing the pros on the swim) I almost immediately felt smoother on my pull, and have seen a big change in speed....esp. in maintaining when tired.

Monday, April 10, 2006


Road to CDA 06: Swim 5K (meter)/Run 4/Elliptical

Mon 4/10
body weight 160.8, body fat 5.4%, waking HR 38

Summary: Swim 5000 meter (1:50)/Run TM 4 (35')/Elliptical 35' (total 3 hours)

500 wu pull, 500 of mixed balance and stroke drills

2 X 1000/60 17:30, 17:20
2 X 500/30 8:45, 8:35
5 X 100/20 1:38-42
10 X 50/1 min cycle: First 2 pull+ankle strap, next 2 pull, then free, then repeat each once to 10 total.
Felt pretty good and steady until about 500 to go.

Then ran on Treadmill 8:30 pace for 34 min (4 miles). Increased incline every 5 minutes to 5% then back to 0% for final 4 min. Soleus and Achilles pain free. Wanted to get into Zones 2 and 3 because HR at 90 bpm at 8:30 pace 0% incline wasnt really cutting it.

Then did 35 min Elliptical. This kind-of kicked my ass. First 20 min into Zones 2/3/4, Maintained level 15 at rpm of 80. Then did 10 min at Level 13 but increased rpm to 90-95. After 8 minutes in Zone 5a I was getting tired so I increased up to level 15 and maintained rpm. This got my HR up 4-5 beats higher, into Zone 5b. Then easy 5 min cool down.


Road to CDA 06: Weekly Quote

"The privilege of a lifetime, is becoming who you are."

Henry David Thoreau

Sarah McMillan, for finding the road to Kona

Sunday, April 09, 2006


Road to CDA 06: Weekly Plan 4/10-4/16

Week of 4/10 - 4/16

M = Swim 5000 meter (5400 yds), run 4, elliptical 35'
T = Run 35 min slow, Bike for 25 miles, subthreshold hills or trainer
(CDA = 3 X 2 mile repeats, 2 mile wu, 1 mile cd for 9 miles total: can do 30 min upper body weights if motivated, but not critical)

W = Run 25-30 min easy in am, Bike in pm, TT intervals, 6 X 5 min with 5 min rest
(same for CDA group...get up and run before work)
T = Bike 60-80 (I am off until 3 pm).
(CDA group, get up and run easy 6 miles, 45-50 min. in morning, Swim 3500 in pm: Swim will be designed on shorter intervals and drills)

F= Bike 90 minutes outside or on trainer if raining. Can do 3 X 7 min moderate TT. Small chain ring and smallest rear gear : 39/12) NO big gear intervals. OR if outside off trainer, do 3-5 hill repeats and stay sub-threshold. (CDA same)
S = Big Brick Run 60/bike 120/run60/bike 120/run 30 (all in minutes) (CDA same)
S = Swim in late afternoon 2K. Spin easy 20 miles in morning. NO run (CDA same)

*This week should be up around 20+ hours


Road to CDA 06: Weekly Summary 4/3-4/9

Week of 4/3 - 4/9

Total Hours = 11:30 (5 days)

S/B/R/Hours = 11:00

core = 30'

Swim = 10,000 (3 sessions) Time 3:03
Bike = 135 (2 rides) Time 7:30
Run =3 (1 run) Time 25'

core = 30'
weights = 0

*This turned out to be more of a rest week but both bike rides were solid, and didnt mind not biking the weekend because of travel (biked 102 last sunday, then 107 wed, then TT intervals on thursday).

*Ran pain free friday morning and pain free monday 4/10 for 4 miles. I am confident if I take it slow I will come back on the running within 7-10 days (no speed work for 3 weeks)


Road to CDA 06: Off: IM AZ

Spectated IM

Saturday, April 08, 2006


Road to CDA 06: Swim 4000(meter)

Sat 4/8

Summary: swim 4000 meter (1:17)
Up at 4:30 am, flew to Tempe for IM Arizona. Everyone looks ready, well rested. Its going to be hot on the run, around 90, but I am sure everyone will do well. 70 pro's...Scott has the competition he wants!
I think if Sarah and Kelly run their own races...stay focused on their goal times, we may have 2 Ironheads taking the 3 or 4 Kona slots.

500 with wet suit = 7:22 (meter)
500 pull = 8:25
10 x 200/30: All in 3:24-27
10 X 100/20: All in 1:39-40

*Found a 25 meter pool. Amazing how fast the wet suit is in the water. A full minute in my 500 warm up. I thought the pool was in yards until I took off the wet suit and started swimming free style and my 100 splits were 10-12 seconds slower.
Plan was to do big swim, run 30 min, and stationary bike 90 min. Spent most of the day with Kelly, Sarah and Scott. Didnt get to pool until after 5pm. Not going to kill me to take some more rest. From last sunday until this past thursday, I biked 236 miles (5 days).

Friday, April 07, 2006


Road to CDA 06: Run 3/Swim 1600

Fri 4/7

Summary: Run 3 in am(25')/Swim 1600 pm (40')

630 a.m. Run 8:30 pace for 25 minutes from home...left soleus is pain free. Right achilles (new since wed. bike ride) is sore but stable. Iced after.

After work. Had therapy on both left soleus and right achilles. Swim after.
500 wu pull + 200 free
100 kick
400 drills, 2 stroke and 2 balance, 100 each.
4 X 100/30 1:22-26

Thursday, April 06, 2006


Road to CDA 06: Bike 28

Thurs 4/6

Summary: Bike 28 (1:31, ave for workout 18.1 mph)

Started TT intervals at Sauvie Island. Wind was calm and neutral. 53 degrees, partly cloudy.
12 mile wu, easy. Then 7 X 3 min TT intervals. All with 3 min easy spin rest.
1 = 24 mph ave/HR ave 125/HR max 131/HR at end of rest 95
2 = 25.7/136/139/93
3 = 24.2/134/136/107
4 = 25.1/134/137/107
5 = 25.9/137/141/99
6 = 26.1/139/147/98
7 = 25.3/140/147/102

Slight Headwind on #3 and 7, wind was predominately neutral, maybe 5-7 mph
* moved seat back 5mm. Right achilles sore 2/5. Stayed mildly sore throughout ride. Probably aggravated from yesterday's ride. Position is very different now then when on Guru. I am much more upright. Need to be careful on knee and foot position throughout the spin cycle. I bet my right foot is probably out of line somewhat when I am pushing.

Wednesday, April 05, 2006


Road to CDA 06: Bike 107

Wed 4/5

Summary: Bike 107 (6 hours, 6600 ascent), ave 18 mph

Bridge of the gods loop from mt scott. Distance was increased because I explored a couple of roads in the gorge on the Washington side in hopes to come out in Skamania to avoid some more of SR 14. Both roads were big climbs for 1-2 miles, then turned to gravel. I tried biking on the gravel for 1/2 mile on the second one, but the huge logging trucks (2) coming toward me left me in a cloud of dust for about 30 seconds so I turned back.
Took 27g maltodextin every 20 minutes starting at 1 hour. Took 1 gel halfway for a little caffeine. Otherwise, only liquids. Net weight loss on the ride only 3.6 lbs so I stayed well hydrated.
Strong ride. Got to downtown Camas in the first hour. Alot of climbing to Beacon Rock, but there to the bridge, strong TT at 24-26 mph, even on the flats. Had about a 10 mph tailwind. Head wind the entire way back through the gorge. Strong up Crown point, in 39/23 whole way 10-15 mph. Heavy downpour from Crown Point to troutdale so I couldnt take much advantage of the down hill.
Took Marine drive and had a very strong.TT for 8 solid miles. Wind about 10 mph in my face mostly, and occasionally from the side the whole way and averaged 23.0 mph for the 8 miles. Then tried to beat a storm coming straight at me as I headed toward mt scott from the river, heavy head winds, 20 mph. My ave at 100 was close to 20 but by the time I finished the final 7 miles in the wind + the final 800 ft ascent to home, I dropped to 18.
The ride was strong. I tried to burn legs out by TT on Marine drive around the 90 mile mark. Still was able to climb final ascent strong and out of saddle. Its always a good ride when you reach your highest HR of the ride on the final climb (151).

Zone Summary:
Zone 1 = 37% (2:13)
Zone 2 = 31% (1:51)
Zone 3 = 19.7% (1:11)
Zone 4 = 10.3% (37')
Zones 5a/b = 1.5% (8')

*For 8 mile TT at miles 90-98: HR ave 130, max 133 (Zone 3), 23.0 mph
*Within 10 minutes of finishing, drank down 75 grams maltodextrin + 25 grams protein. 2 liters of water. (took final weight before this to get an idea of fluid losses during ride)

Tuesday, April 04, 2006


Road to CDA 06: Core/ Swim 4000

Tues 4/4

Summary: a.m core (30')/p.m. Swim 4000 (1:05.30)

5:30 am: 30' pilates abs/low back

7p.m.: Swim 4000

2000 in 32:00 (1:36/100)
1000 in 15:50 (1:35/100)
500 in 7:55 (1:35/100)(pull)
500 in 7:50 (1:34/100)
all 30 sec. rest between

My arms and lats are tired now.

Monday, April 03, 2006


Road to CDA 06: The Hypoxic Tent

Mon 4/3

Supposed to Swim and Weights. Feel tired. Will take day off. Got massage.

Body Weight, 160.2
Body Fat 5.0 %
Morning HR 42

*Have been sleeping in hypoxic, altitude simulation tent for about 4 weeks now. Started at 8ooo ft, to 10k third week, and 13k last 2 nights. Alot of trouble adapting. I have been waking up each night about 2am and cant get back to sleep because of difficulty breathing.
On last friday and saturday, had to move to a different room to get back to sleep.
HR is also much higher than typical because of the hypoxic conditions. I have had to urinate at least once, sometimes twice during the night, probably due to increased metabolism as a consequence of the hypoxia. I have taken my HR over the past week in the middle of the night, at 48-60 beats (typical is 36-40).
The past 2 nights, I have slept decent, and morning HR is coming down. This morning 42.
I have taken Ambien the past 2 nights to help get me through without insomnia due the the low oxygen and its has worked fairly well. Will continue this for another week or so in hopes that I will naturally adapt to the conditions.
There is a reasonable chance I will not be a good responder (may not produce higher blood counts as adaptation to the hypoxia) My hematocrit last fall was 38, and in January was 40. These are both low normal. I hope to get up to high normal of 45 but this may not happen.

Responders tend to have an increase about 5%, and that's with 12 hours of use a day. I am only using about 7-8, So a 3% gain is more likely. This would put me at about a 41-42 hematocrit, which is right in the middle for the average person. I will take this, since I am naturally already low. To put it into perspective, Epo users will typically have hematocrits over 50 and sometimes 55-60 (normal being around 38-45). Even if my native hematocrit was high normal at 45, and I used the tent 12 hours a day and responded maximally, I would only see a jump to 47-48.

If it can get me 10 minutes on the bike, and 5 minutes on the will be worth it.


Road to CDA 06: Weekly Quote

"The marathon's about being in contention over the last 10k. That's when it's about what you have in your core.
You have run all the strength, all the superficial fitness out of yourself, and it really comes down to what's left inside you.
To be able to draw deep and pull something out of yourself is one of the most tremendous things about the marathon."

Rob d Castella

Sunday, April 02, 2006


Road to CDA 06: Weekly Plan 4/3 - 4/9

Weekly Plan 4/3 - 4/9

M: Swim 3-4k/weights
T: Spin 65 min if cant run, core
W: Ride 80-110 if decent weather, may spin 3 hours
T: core am, pm swim 3k, may run 30' slow
F: am run or swim, weights
S: Fly to AZ. Will try to be on bike by 2pm, bike until dusk
S: IM AZ, watch scott, sarah and kelly kick ass. May try a short run in late afternoon, after finish.

*CDA Group: Tuesday start Fairmont runs: 8 X 800 with 2-2:15 rest 400 jog between. 2 wu/2cd.
Start TT intervals wed or thurs (will start with 10 mile wu/10cd: 6 X 3 min HARD spins, 5 min rest between)
Ride Swim 3K, then ride 80-100
Run 14 easy/slow on sunday, NO RIDE

*Next week (week of 4/10) will be a bigger week, plan is a big 7.5 hour brick on weekend
*Week after (week of 4/17) I work nights, 4pm each day. Will be a big bike week as I have my days free.


Road to CDA 06: Swim 3000/ Bike 101

Sun 4/1

Summary: Swim 3000 (60'), Bike 101 (6:21, 6300 ascent)

Swim: 1000 wu (500 free/500 pull) 16'
Set 1 = 10 X 100/30 1:24-27
Set 2 = 5 X 100/20 1:13-32 (pull buoy + ankle band)
Set 3 = 10 X 50/1 min cycle

*Forgot about daylight savings. Got up, ate a bowl of oatmeal, then 15 min later realized I had to be in the pool in a few minutes. Just took the warm up easy and felt fine.

Vernonia loop from downtown to skyline-rocky point. After vernonia, skipped the Timber, OR route and came straight back to hwy 26, to northplain, to west thompson. Climbing 2800 ascent to the end of skyline, total 6300. Felt good, strong pulls. First time on the new Scott frame. I like the position, had to adjust seat height, and distance during the ride. I need a longer stem. Too far over my front end. My knees are touching my jacket on my arms on the up-stroke.
Felt strong on the hills, big chain ring on most of the climbs. In 53/15 on the final climb up Thompson (1000 ft), and in aerobars.
Zone Summary:
Zone 0 = 3% (14')
Zone 1 = 70% (4:11)
Zone 2 = 13%(1:09)
Zone 3 = 7% (26')
Zone 4 = 4% (15')
Zone 5a= .3%(1')
Zone 5b=.6%(2')
Zone5c= 1% (1')


Road to CDA 06: Weekly Summary (3/27 - 4/2)

Week of 3/27 - 4/2

Total Hours = 15:20
S/B/R Hours = 12:44 (5 days)
w/c = 2:35

Swim: 12000 (3 sessions) Time 3:44
Bike: 151 (2 rides) Time 9:00
Run: 0

weights: 45'
core: 1:50

Saturday, April 01, 2006


Road to CDA 06: Off

Sat 4/1

Work 7a-7p, then on call


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  • Week of June 26-July 2
  • Drove the coastal Hwy to Florence
  • Mountain biked in Sunriver/Bend
  • White water rafted Deschuttes in Maupin
  • Summitted Mt Adams, 12,276 ft, 7000 ft climb
  • Ate alot, kept alcohol drinking down
  • Time to get ready for the big one
  • Goals need justification
  • Goals need emotional attachment
  • Goals must be achievable
  • Goals need a path: Not necessarily the exact path,
  • just a path...a means to an end
  • >Visualize. Believe. Its in you.