Thursday, June 01, 2006


Road to CDA 06: Run 12 (speedwork)

Thurs 6/1

Got up to swim at 6:30. Got caught in traffic and arrived at pool 7:15. Still could squeeze in 2K. Got ready to go, walked out to pool and realized I forgot a towel. So, I just did 10 min. in the Sauna, 190 degrees.

P.M. Run 12 at fairmont. Originally to do 3 x 2 mile repeats, but everone looked so good after the second one that I decided to add a 4th. Workout was to run Zone 3/4 for first mile, then final mile Zone 5. On the third, maintaining Zone 3/4 was allowed since we added a 4th interval. The fourth was again predominately Zone 4 first mile, Zone 5 final mile.
2 mile wu/1 mile cd: about 400-600 yd jog, 4 min rest between repeats.
1 = 13:20, HR ave 129/max 143, 60 ft ascent
2 = 12:20, HR ave 145/ max 156, 60 ft ascent
3 = 12:50, HR ave 142/max 151, 60 ft ascent
4 = 12:30, HR ave 148/max 159, 100 ft ascent (1.25 miles uphill)

The entire CDA group looked fantastic. I could tell from the first mile it was going to be a strong workout. The last 2 mile repeat workout we did was April 20th. At fairmont, my pace was 6:30-6:50/mile. Running today at 6:10-20 and able to talk to Grant is a very positive sign. Even favoring hamstring, this pace did not feel difficult at all. Ann Averaged 7 min pace for all 4, after swimming 4200 in the pool. Rob was within 15 seconds of me the whole workout, Erin was right behind Rob. What can I say about Grant...he was at least 10 beats below his threshold running with me to keep me company. His 2:40 final800 of the final 2 miler shows his strength. He is looking at a significant PR at LK Placid.
This workout was a breakthough and I know now we are just starting to benefit from the big training week and 1/2 IM race. In another 10 days or so, we should feel as strong as ever and ready to race.

Zone Summary for 1 hour 16 min repeat set + cool down 10 minutes.
Zone 1 = 37% (28')
Zone 2 = 14% (11')
Zone 3 = 12% (9')
Zone 4 = 20% (15'30")
Zone 5a= 9% (7')
Zone 5b= 7% (5'30")

*I thought I (we) were tired. Not the case. Everyone looked strong and steady from the start. I was suprised to see everone so close to me.
*Favored Hamstring, esp on downhills. Sore on the warm-up, sore the entire speed set and cool down. No worse though. At home, ice 20 min, then hot tub 10 min, then finish with ice wrap 20 min.

Breakfast: 2 small red grapefruit, cliff protein bar, coffee.
Lunch: Salad w/ low fat dressing and chix breast, diet 7-up
Afternoon: 6 oz slice of cornbread + 3 teaspoons honey, non-fat latte
No recovery drink. Left yesterday's drink in car. Though I could use it but it was sour.
Dinner: Large grilled chicken burrito with white rice and black beans. Damn thing weighed about 4 pounds.

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  • Week of June 26-July 2
  • Drove the coastal Hwy to Florence
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  • White water rafted Deschuttes in Maupin
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  • Goals need emotional attachment
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  • Goals need a path: Not necessarily the exact path,
  • just a path...a means to an end
  • >Visualize. Believe. Its in you.