Tuesday, May 09, 2006


Road to CDA 06: Swim 3K/Run 6

Mon 5/8

Summary: Swim in afternoon, 3K (70')/then run 6 +(47')

Swim: 25m pool
500 pull wu +300 drills
1000 17:35 (1:46/100m)
500 pull 8:36 (1:44/100)
500 8:32 (143/100)
1 min rest between each
200 mixed stroke cd

Then Run 47 min. a little over 6 miles. 7:20-40 pace. Felt a little tight, but HR in Zone 1 the entire run.

Making dinner, deer walked through the backyard, all 7 of us sitting around the dinner table having a beer, then watching "Without Limits", the Steve Prefontaine story, fire going in the fireplace....no need to go on, its a great week.
Plan is to ride around 80 tomarrow, then 10 mile brick after. Will keep controlled. Run will be IM marathon goal pace to 30 seconds slower as goal.
Girls will bike 60, then run 10. They are both getting impressively stonger.

For Erin to be going through this week in her first season, and her only races' a single sprint, and a single olympic, shows her strength and will. Erin is as strong as anyone I have seen in their first season, and may very well be the fastest age-group female in the marathon at IM CDA.

Ann...what can I say. In her second season, in the line on a 20-21 mph pull for the final 12 miles ascending 400ft, at the end of a 122 miler yesterday. She's only getting stronger. Workouts are becoming more and more controlled and she trains as smart as any elite age-grouper out there. On a decent day, on one of the slower of the IM courses, CDA, she will break 10:30. She will do it on her marathon time, and negative split.
If they run the race right, they will likely be 2 of the top 3 female marathon runners of the age groupers, and I think Ann will be in the top 3 age group women cyclists. We'll see. These arent hopes, they are realities on both of their strengths. They both will need good days, but thats what all this training is about. It will seem like just another workout for them. Just a little longer.

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  • Week of June 26-July 2
  • Drove the coastal Hwy to Florence
  • Mountain biked in Sunriver/Bend
  • White water rafted Deschuttes in Maupin
  • Summitted Mt Adams, 12,276 ft, 7000 ft climb
  • Ate alot, kept alcohol drinking down
  • Time to get ready for the big one
  • Goals need justification
  • Goals need emotional attachment
  • Goals must be achievable
  • Goals need a path: Not necessarily the exact path,
  • just a path...a means to an end
  • >Visualize. Believe. Its in you.