Sunday, May 07, 2006
Road to CDA 06: Bike 122

Sun 5/7
Day 2 Big Week

Group ride. Epic scenery. 65 miles out to Crooked River Resevoir, then incredible 20 mile ride along the river, 600 ft rock walls on each side.
Good pulls final 55 miles back to Bend.
Waffles breakfast
Carb routine on bike, started at 2 hour mark.
Recovery drink at finish, then Mexican Dinner. Copious black beans, burrito's.
*Good ride. close to 21 mph final 15 miles into bend, neutral side wind, slight upgrade. Feel good after. Strong.
6:48 Zone 1
20 min. in Zone 2
6 min. in Zone 3
* Spinning on the flats at 21, neutral wind, Heart rate 85 bpm. That's a good sign.