Thursday, March 09, 2006
Road to CDA 06: Run 9/Swim 1000
Thurs 3/9
Summary: Run 9 on TM (60'), then Swim 1000 (16:30)
Run on Treadmill: 1 mile wu in 7:130, 1 mile cd in 7:30
Goal was a good solid run in higher zones, some above threshold in zone 5.
20 min (3 miles) in 6:40 pace, this took me into high Zone 2 by the end.
20 min progressive fron 6:40 pace, increase 0.1 mph every 2 min to 6 min pace and hold 2 min. This took me into zones 3, 4, 5 slowly as I increased pace. Final 8 min or so was tough aerobically but legs felt fairly stong.
Ended up running the second 3 mile set in 19 min. (ave 6:20 pace)
Zone Summary:
Zone 1 = 15 % (9')
Zone 2 = 17% (10')
Zone 3 = 22% (14')
Zone 4 = 19% (12') (sub-threshold: HR 144-149)
Zone 5a= 14% (8') (at threshold: HR 150-154)
Zone 5b= 11% (6'30") (VO2 max: HR 155-59)
Zone 5c= .6% (30") (anaerobic: HR >160)
*Tired me out for swim. First 500 pull in 8 min. second 500 free in 8:30. Just stopped and went home to eat.
Summary: Run 9 on TM (60'), then Swim 1000 (16:30)
Run on Treadmill: 1 mile wu in 7:130, 1 mile cd in 7:30
Goal was a good solid run in higher zones, some above threshold in zone 5.
20 min (3 miles) in 6:40 pace, this took me into high Zone 2 by the end.
20 min progressive fron 6:40 pace, increase 0.1 mph every 2 min to 6 min pace and hold 2 min. This took me into zones 3, 4, 5 slowly as I increased pace. Final 8 min or so was tough aerobically but legs felt fairly stong.
Ended up running the second 3 mile set in 19 min. (ave 6:20 pace)
Zone Summary:
Zone 1 = 15 % (9')
Zone 2 = 17% (10')
Zone 3 = 22% (14')
Zone 4 = 19% (12') (sub-threshold: HR 144-149)
Zone 5a= 14% (8') (at threshold: HR 150-154)
Zone 5b= 11% (6'30") (VO2 max: HR 155-59)
Zone 5c= .6% (30") (anaerobic: HR >160)
*Tired me out for swim. First 500 pull in 8 min. second 500 free in 8:30. Just stopped and went home to eat.