Friday, December 23, 2005

My goals for CDA 06 are primarily to break the 9:30 barrier. If I do this, Imay win the masters 40 age division and may be a top 10 age grouper by looking at past race results. I think men's times will be faster this year however, as there will probably be no male pro's (female pro championships are at CDA in 06). I am sure plenty of top age group males will show, probably not many over 40. However, a sub 9:30 may not even land me in the top 10 . Doesnt matter...its a time goal for me.
Some of my thoughts on goals:
Goals need justification
Goals need emotional attachment
Goals must be achievable
Goals need a path. Not necessarily the RIGHT path, just a path...a means to an end.
I will cover my thoughts and basis for my nutritional methods, training, recovery, ect. Everything but the nutrition has been an ongoing learning experience for me. Nutritionally I have had no real change since my first Ironman at CDA in 2004. What I do is not much different than what I did nutritionally for 12 yrs as a marathon competitor. Not much more complicated for Ironman distance, its just a longer race...where pace is more critical.